Make intelligent financial decisions

Make intelligent financial decisions


“Poverty can come at a bewildering speed, if one is careless in the manner, they approach matters of financial decision making.”—Dr Masiyiwa

 Everyone is faced with financial choices every day. This is what we live to do all our lives. When we make wise decisions, we increase chances of living well-off and when we fail to do, we become poor. Insufficiency and abundance are results of wise financial choices and this is what I believe Masiyiwa meant.

You see, one of the demoralizing experiences in life is  having great ambitions but fail to achieve them because there are no enough resources to make things work. The experience of walking through life with an inadequate finance is among other sources of unhappiness today. Lack of financial literacy forces you to achieve small even when you have the brains to do big. Without a proper financial base, people automatically think you are lazy and selfish. It puts you in a strange position; to appear like you did not plan life well. When you are financially stranded, the great ideas you have can die naturally and, your  help for other people will be achieved  in insignificant amounts even when you genuinely have a heart to help. This financial struggle blocks people to unleash their purpose in life. Failure to live your purpose means that you will have unfulfilled life. 

You see, Poverty is an enemy of life. It brings social oppression and breeds hatred between families. It confines people to particular regions and denies them an opportunity to see the magnificence of the world because it cannot let them travel where ever they wish to go. The state of your financial life determines those you can hang with and those you cannot. Poverty is a serious humiliation. It shortens life, that is why, places with high death rates are often those termed impoverished areas full of disease and crime. It causes heart attacks and makes people overwork themselves just to cater for the extra family needs. This the effect of poverty and the reason everyone should desire to break free from it. People should deal with its present and future occurrences.

Is this the life you deserve? A life where tomorrow becomes an enemy; because you do not know how and what you will survive on today and the next day? You, like me, do not want such a life. Life was never meant to be a burden and death never designed to be an escape from the worlds troubles especially those do with finances. Here is what God intended it to be as shown in the gospel of John:

 John 10: 10 b “I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly’’

 God is pleased to see people live prosperous lives, it brings honour and respect to his name. The choice still remains with people to become better or stunted.

I know that the life you deserve means that your financial life gets in good shape. When your financial life is in shape, what you desire to do will be possible. It’s a life where you will become a blessing not just to your family but to others too because you are living in prosperity. Having enough for yourself and those around you.

This is what motivated me to write this chapter very independently. I came to a discovery that Money is a blessing and with it we can do so much things during the lives God has given each one of us.  I understood that, mastering money was as important as any noble pursuit of our lives.

Wealth creation should be the desire of every person, everywhere in the world. Anyone can create wealth; anyone can learn something that increases his or her money exponentially.

The discovery that every single condition can be changed and that despite where we are, with what we have we could push our lives forward is enough to inspire yourself with. I learnt that any family financial life, church and People’s condition struggle financially is bound to change when they take responsibility of how they want their lives to become in any area of their lives. Those with little  financial wealth can grow what they have to create much. Those with much can also expand more. This means that no excuse exists for where you are because  enormous power lives in you to lift you from where you are to where you want to be financially. This freedom begins  when you admit that you are the main player in the direction of your financial life. EXTRACT FROM CHAPTER 8 OF MY 2019 NEW BOOK

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