Moments Make the Difference

Moments Make the Difference

Recognizing, Maximizing, and Internalizing Moments Can Transform Lives

Every day, life offers us opportunities that can significantly transform our lives. In my TEDx talk at Vandenberg Space Force Base, I highlighted the importance of recognizing, maximizing, and internalizing these pivotal moments. These moments shape our interactions and personal growth. If we pay attention, these moments can change our paths. Anne Morrow Lindbergh once said, "The most exhausting thing in life, I have discovered, is being insincere." This insight underscores the need to embrace these opportunities genuinely. Here are my key messages and actionable steps to integrate these moments into our daily lives, encouraging authenticity and mindful awareness.

Recognizing Moments: The Power of Paying Attention

The first moment I discussed is about recognizing crucial instances in our lives. I began with a poignant historical reference to Ruby Bridges, the first African American child to attend an all-white school in Louisiana in 1960. Her brave act of walking into that school amidst hostility was a transformative moment in the fight for civil rights. Reflecting on this, Mrs. Bridgets once said, "Don’t follow the path. Go where there is no path and begin the trail." Her courage reminds us of the impact that a single individual's actions can have on society. By recognizing such moments, we can appreciate the significance of our decisions and their potential to shape history.

Will we recognize when a moment is upon us?

To illustrate the importance of recognizing moments, I recalled my own experience as a high school student. My Spanish teacher, Señor Sanchez, saw potential in me and made an encouraging remark that set me on a new path. This highlights that sometimes others recognize qualities in us that we may not see in ourselves. As Oprah Winfrey once said, "The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." By paying attention—not just to the world around us but to the people within it—we can catch those glimpses of opportunity that might change everything.

Maximizing Moments: Making More of What We Notice

Once we recognize a moment is upon us, the next step is to make the most of it. I urged my audience to turn these moments into meaningful actions. I emphasized the concept of engaging in "meaningful conversation" with one another. This highlights the importance of profoundly and thoughtfully engaging with others.

Through intentional micro-engagements, we might forge deeper connections to and with one another, fostering a more profound understanding of ourselves AND one another. By taking the time to share vulnerably, listen actively, and respond thoughtfully, we can transform ordinary interactions into memorable experiences.

In his book "Principles," Ray Dalio underscores the significance of radical transparency and open-mindedness in cultivating meaningful relationships. Dalio's principle of embracing reality and dealing with it head-on encourages us to engage with others genuinely, which can lead to more honest and productive conversations. By integrating these principles into our interactions, we pave the way for personal and collective growth, ensuring that our connections are significant and grounded in truth and mutual respect.

I recounted personal anecdotes that stress the value of maximizing moments through intentional conversation. Meaning is not always immediately apparent; it requires effort and a willingness to connect beyond surface-level interactions. Also, I maintain that "meaning" is relative; it is not always matched between speaker and listener, and there are times when, as a listener, I may find little or even no meaning in the content of what the speaker is saying.

The challenge at THAT moment is to connect with and to that person, not just what they say.

Meaningful conversations often contain the wisdom and insights necessary for our growth. We must strive to create conditions where such exchanges are possible. It's about being present, inquisitive, and reflective, allowing moments to unfold into opportunities for understanding and growth.

Internalizing Moments: Transforming Experiences into Growth

The final point I emphasized is internalizing our experiences, a crucial step for lasting change. To illustrate this, I had the audience participate in a practical exercise using their mobile devices. I asked them to scroll through their text messages and identify someone who deserves their attention—someone with whom they can share a meaningful moment. This exercise is a powerful reminder of how easily we overlook the importance of intentional connections in our digital lives.

This point is further underscored by the findings in the Surgeon General's report on loneliness. According to the report, one in two Americans is experiencing quantifiable levels of loneliness, which has significant repercussions on mental and physical health. The report highlights the necessity of fostering meaningful relationships as a critical component of well-being. While I admit that my digital device could distract me, providing access to trivial engagements, I could instead choose to reconnect with someone who matters consciously. In doing so, I could enhance our overall health through meaningful connections.

This philosophy resonates deeply with the words of Ruby Bridges, who, upon being inducted into the Women’s Hall of Fame, emphasized the importance of sharing our successes. It's about acknowledging that our moments, however significant, find their true potential when shared.

Embracing the Moments That Define Us

My TEDx at Vandenberg Space Force Base is a compelling reminder of the three pivotal moments that can shape our lives. By recognizing, maximizing, and internalizing these moments, we unlock the potential for personal and collective growth. These moments are not bound by time or place; they are found in the everyday interactions and connections that we often take for granted.

As we navigate our daily lives, let us remain vigilant for these moments, embrace them fully, and transform them into opportunities for deeper connection and growth. The power lies in paying attention, engaging meaningfully, and sharing our experiences with those around us. In doing so, we can truly make a difference—not just in our own lives but in the lives of others.

Jason Henkel

Coach, Trainer, Speaker | Delivering immediately impactful brain-based modalities of deep effectiveness and meaningful wellbeing


Love this! Well done team Womack!

Dr. Timo Sandritter

Chairman & Chief Strategy Officer | Executive Board Member


well done!!!

Stacie Shafran

Senior Communications Executive | Content Strategy | Audience Engagement | Team Leadership | Top Secret Clearance


Thank you for coming to VSFB to share this with us! It’s been an honor to get to know & learn from you.

Jennifer Bezoza

Executive Coach and Founder, Leading for Good. (PCC)


Congrats Jason on this new TedX talk! So much to soak in here, I want to reread the piece and cannot wait to watch it, so I can gain further insight on soaking in pivotal moments and being present to what is great! I love that Oprah quote and had never seen it before.

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