
Nobody hates money. There are people who argue that money does not matter. But everybody does something about money. Yet none of us is comfortable discussing how much we’re worth. Clinton Jones said, “I’ve never been in a situation where having money made it worse.” In the words of Zig Ziglar, “Money won’t make you happy but everybody wants to find out for themselves.”

Many people pray for money. But I’ve never come across a direct scripture where someone prayed for money. Is there something the ancients knew that our generation is missing? King Solomon taught his children financial literacy. Today’s parents chase money and sex but hardly talk about sex and money. We talk about grades, careers and jobs. We’re embarrassed with life’s most vital skills.   

Money answers everything (Ecclesiastes 10:19). Money rules. But money is also ruled by universal laws that never bend to suit anybody. Money is not emotional. Money obeys the law of sowing and reaping (Genesis 8:22). Your harvest will always be proportional to the type and quantity of seed you sow. What problem are you solving in the world? How many people benefit from your work?   

Money was designed to flow. Like any other current, money is a liquid that continually flows through an outlet. A stingy hand blocks the flow of money currency. How much currency passes through your hands depends on how much you’re able to refresh others (Proverbs 11:24-25). The covenant God made to bless us financially is a conditional covenant that demands us to keep our side of the bargain.

We’re a generation whose focus is money at all costs. Jesus warned against all forms of greed (Luke 12:15). Ambition is good but greed is destructive. If you don’t give intentionally and generously, you’re bound by greed and you live under the curse of poverty. If what you have benefits you alone, don’t expect to have much. If you cannot be trusted with what you have, you cannot be trusted with more (Luke 16:10).

If you truly want money that lasts, focus on adding real value to people. Be genuinely concerned with what you give to the world than what you get from the world. Create genuine solutions to humanity. Stop chasing money and focus on solving people’s problems. You were created to make a difference. Love people by your actions and money will follow you. Short-cuts to the top never lead to the top.


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