My daughter chose a classical high school in the AI era. Should I be concerned about this?

My daughter chose a classical high school in the AI era. Should I be concerned about this?

This afternoon marks an important milestone for my eldest daughter, as she will present her final thesis (tesina) at her secondary school completion exams in Italy, in front of all her teachers. It's a day filled with profound emotions for her... and for our entire family, as she concludes her three-year journey at Italian “scuole medie”.

This September, she will embark on an exciting new chapter, transitioning to high school where a vast new world awaits her. As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly integrated into every aspect of our lives, I cannot help but reflect on the complex questions about educational pathways and the future of careers. Indeed, the rapid evolution of AI makes it challenging to foresee how this will reshape professions, society, and the skills required for future success. From my own perspective, anyone declaring today to have a clear vision of the future may not fully understand what is indeed happening today with AI.

Amidst these considerations, she faced a significant decision about her educational direction. After extensive discussions, she has chosen to pursue a classical education at “Liceo Classico Parini” in Milan. The Liceo Classico, a bastion of classical studies in Italy, offers a deep dive into the humanities, including literature, philosophy, history, and ancient languages such as Latin and Greek.

But why opt for a Classical High School in the age of AI?

This choice might seem counterintuitive at first. She made this decision entirely on her own, solely driven by her passions and personal preferences.

At the same time, reflecting on it, such a choice may also be rooted in a belief that critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and cultural awareness, nurtured by classical studies, will be invaluable also in the future, especially in an AI-powered world. These skills will equip students to navigate complex moral landscapes and to lead with empathy and insight—qualities that machines can emulate but cannot really understand, at least in the foreseeable future.

Her decision, inspired by her strong personal passion, may prove to be an amazing choice for her future. At least, this is what I hope, being her father.

Here below you can find a short summary of a lengthy “discussion” I had with ChatGPT-4o while driving towards work. I just started ChatGPT in vocal mode, and I began discussing and arguing about my daughter’s choice. At the end, I asked ChatGPT to send me a short sum-up of our conversation, including key insights from ChatGPT and our sometimes-different views on the topic, reflecting on a proactive approach to integrating traditional humanistic knowledge with future technological landscapes.

Here the summary ChatGPT sent me:

What is Liceo Classico?

Liceo Classico is a type of high school in Italy that focuses on classical studies. Students immerse themselves in Latin, ancient Greek, literature, history, and philosophy. This educational path aims to develop deep analytical skills, critical thinking, and a profound understanding of human culture and history.

The Value of Classical Studies in the Age of AI

While at first glance, a classical education might seem disconnected from the tech-driven future, it is precisely these foundational skills that make Liceo Classico graduates uniquely equipped to thrive in an AI-dominated world. Here’s why:

1.      Critical Thinking and Analysis Liceo Classico cultivates an ability to analyze complex texts and ideas critically. These skills are invaluable when interpreting AI outputs, ensuring ethical applications, and making informed decisions based on data.

2.      Communication Skills Mastering ancient languages and engaging deeply with literature hones communication skills. In a world where explaining technical concepts to diverse audiences is crucial, these abilities are golden.

3.      Ethical and Moral Reasoning The study of philosophy and history provides a strong foundation in ethics and moral reasoning. As AI continues to advance, the ethical implications of its use become ever more important. Classical education prepares students to address these issues thoughtfully and responsibly.

4.      Adaptability and Lifelong Learning The breadth of subjects studied in Liceo Classico promotes adaptability and a love for lifelong learning. These are essential traits in an era where technology and job markets are constantly evolving.

5.      Creative Problem-Solving Engaging with the complexities of ancient texts and philosophical ideas fosters creativity and innovative thinking. These skills are critical for developing new AI technologies and applications.

6.      Cultural Literacy and Human Perspective Understanding the historical and cultural context of human civilization offers a broader perspective on technological advancements. This humanistic approach ensures that AI developments are aligned with societal values and needs.

Wisdom in the Age of AI

In the future of AI, wisdom—understood as self-reflection and the ability to comprehend one’s own emotions and the emotions of others—will be the most crucial competency. This kind of wisdom, cultivated through classical studies, fosters emotional intelligence and empathy. It is essential for truly understanding and enhancing human well-being.

Classical education nurtures this wisdom, helping individuals to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others. By fostering these qualities, we ensure that technological progress aligns with our pursuit of genuine happiness and fulfillment.

A Balanced Skill Set for the Future

In the tech-driven future, the most valuable professionals will be those who can bridge the gap between technology and humanity. Liceo Classico provides a balanced skill set that combines deep humanistic knowledge with critical analytical abilities. These graduates are not only capable of leveraging AI technologies but also of guiding their ethical and societal applications.

Choosing Liceo Classico in the age of AI is not about clinging to the past; it's about equipping the next generation with the tools to shape a better future. As AI continues to permeate every aspect of our lives, the wisdom, creativity, and ethical grounding provided by a classical education will be indispensable.

In the words of Socrates, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” In an era defined by AI, let’s ensure that our future leaders are not only technologically proficient but also deeply wise and ethically grounded.


Riccardo Girardelli

CEO at Green Power S.r.l.


Hi Fabio, also my daughter just made her "Tesina" for the three year journey at "scuole medie" and has chosen the "Liceo classico Aristofane" in Rome. They should get in touch I guess! I absolutely agree with Chat GPT analysis. I come from Liceo Classico too and I'm very friendly with technology. No problem at all. I'm proud of my daughter too because she decided all by herself and I, of course, agree with her. Wish you and your daughter a wonderful future Fabio.

Alessandra V.

Manager, Sales Development at Contentsquare | Unlocking digital growth through data


Congratulations and best of luck to your daughter, Mr. Fabio Moioli! I myself am a liceo Classico alumna, and, if I went back in time, I’d probably make the same choice - conditional on the fact that I could keep cultivating maths and science again. Indeed, what I personally believe is humanities are fundamentally important - the basis for everything else! - but cannot replace scientific knowledge, since both need to be complemented by each other to develop a well-rounded mindset.


Keep going!

Antonio Gregorio

Innovation, people and process design enthusiast


I am biased, having attended a classical high school myself, and I wholeheartedly support your daughter's decision. For five years, she will be immersed in a fascinating world, engaging with the greatest minds that have shaped humanity, all through an extremely rigorous approach. When it comes time to take the next step, she will possess a range of soft skills that will enable her to navigate the present and its technology with ease and grace, quickly acquiring the hard skills necessary in today's AI-driven world. Personally, I won't hide that my initial encounters with university-level mathematics and statistics were quite challenging. However, by leveraging the rigorous reasoning method acquired in high school, I was able to overcome these difficulties in a short time. Lastly, and most importantly, the classical high school experience can be incredibly enjoyable. If your daughter feels she will embrace this aspect, it will be the best choice for her. Meanwhile, best of luck Monica!

Orlando Onorato

Western Europe HQ Director | Market Maker Lead | Innovation & Digital Transformation | Industry & AI Cloud Solutions


Monica’s essence will undoubtedly be the catalyst for her future. An excellent decision indeed… yet, it is merely a conduit to unlock her inherent potential and capabilities. Best wishes for Monica’s journey!

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