My heart is bursting with gratitude...
WINGS of Inspired Business Host Melinda Wittstock interviewing Hintd CEO Lucy Danziger

My heart is bursting with gratitude...

Happy Thanksgiving all!

Today I want to affirm and acclaim all the women entrepreneurs – the “SuperSheros” – who’ve inspired YOU … just as Sara Blakely, Ping Fu, Tina Sharkey, Kara Goldin, Kay Koplovitz, Gina Bianchini and so many others … have inspired me on my own entrepreneurial journey to company four.

I'm a big believer in “giving forward” and gratitude.

About a year and a half ago, deep in the Amazonian Rainforest, I had an epiphany.

And I started simply to BE the change I wanted to see in the world.

For me, it turns out, BEING the change means being the catalyst that helps women in business lift each other up.

So I launched the daily podcast WINGS OF INSPIRED BUSINESS earlier this month to give voice to all the women innovators in business who often succeed in silence.

We don't really fit the pattern. No hoodies, no garages, no ramen.

And even though we don't get our fair share of capital, we're crushing it. Think Kara Goldin on her way to creating a $1 bn unicorn with Hint. Tina Sharkey, first with iVillage and now the disruptive brandless. Ping Fu who created 3D printing and gave Marc Andreesen his first job. Kay Koplowitz who founded USA Networks and has gone on to help women raise $8 billion, with more than 115 exits and 14 IPOs.

Think of Katrina Lake, the Stitch Fix CEO who brought her company to IPO in just 6 years with a fraction of the capital most dudes take down to get the same result.

It's a happy news story, and I am grateful for her and all the others!

I started WINGS to help women gain the confidence, connections and capital to take moonshots.

My own moonshot is to INVEST in 100 female founders in the next 10 years.

WINGS is the launchpad.

So today I have a simple request.

A request that you also give forward by nominating innovative female founders, entrepreneurs and executives who have inspired YOU ... because I would like to interview and feature them on WINGS of Inspired Business.

Maybe you are one of the three! I hope so :-)

So please take a minute and nominate your THREE supersheroes here.

Please also subscribe to WINGS.

And when you subscribe and review the show, you get the chance to win a full-day one-on-one VIP mastermind with me - all expense paid - in Washington D.C. Please check it out here! I am picking one person from all my iTunes reviews per month!

Today please enjoy all you have and all you are becoming - and please be grateful too for all the brave women everywhere who are standing up and being counted with their "me too" experiences. Our voices must be heard, and when we stand together, miracles happen.

We've got some incredible episodes on WINGS already where women share their challenges, epiphanies, learnings and more - sharing with an authenticity that inspires and moves. Listen!

More at Facebook/WingsPodcast, and

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