Navigating Your Career Path in Hospitality

As a seasoned leader in the hospitality industry, I often find myself reflecting on the diverse paths available to aspiring hoteliers. Whether you're drawn to the structured environment of a hotel or crave the independence of consultancy, each career path offers its own set of benefits and caveats.

I've been fortunate enough to live in both worlds, working for a company and leading an on property team, and then shifting to the entrepreneur world of independent consultancy.

I'd start off by saying that this crossroads will usually come at a point in your career where you've gained the legitimate authority to become a successful consultant. For this, you must have sufficient experience in leading your businesses and in demonstrating you can solve problems and add value for companies that seek your services. For me, this was when I became a hotel General Manager, which is why the comparison is made to this role. For some of your, however, it may mean a senior leadership role, either above or below the GM in the hierarchy, that you will be comparing your decision to.

Here, I'd like to shed light on the pros and cons of working as a hotel general manager versus pursuing a career as an independent consultant in hospitality, hoping these thoughts will benefit anyone who is considering a shift in their life and career.

Being a Hotel General Manager comes plenty of rewards and benefits, and it can be a very fulfilling role. Being the GM is not easy, as you're constantly maneuvering the expectations from a variety of stakeholders, who may not always have an aligned vision of success. However, it also means that you're the leader of a team, who take care of a physical property, which provides a very tangible sense of satisfaction, especially when all results (people, product and profit) and positive.

Below are the pros and cons of working as a Hotel General Manager:


  1. Dynamic Environment: Working as a hotel GM immerses you in a dynamic and fast-paced environment. No two days are the same, and you'll encounter a myriad of challenges and opportunities to showcase your leadership skills.

  2. Team Collaboration: One of the most rewarding aspects of being a hotel GM is the opportunity to lead and inspire a diverse team. The collaborative nature of the hospitality industry fosters a sense of camaraderie and teamwork, allowing you to cultivate meaningful relationships with your colleagues.

  3. Operational Experience: Managing a hotel provides invaluable operational experience across various departments, from front office and housekeeping to food and beverage. This comprehensive understanding of hotel operations can be instrumental in shaping your career trajectory and preparing you for future leadership roles.


  1. Long Hours: The hospitality industry is notorious for its demanding schedules, and hotel GMs are no exception. Balancing the needs of guests, the team, and stakeholders often requires long hours and a willingness to be on-call, which can impact work-life balance.

  2. Bureaucracy: Navigating the bureaucratic processes inherent in large hotel chains can sometimes be challenging. From corporate policies to hierarchical structures, hotel general managers may encounter red tape that hinders agility and innovation.

  3. Limited Autonomy: Despite holding a leadership position, hotel GMs may have limited autonomy in decision-making, particularly in corporate-owned properties. Balancing the expectations of corporate headquarters with the unique needs of your hotel can be a delicate balancing act.

On the other hand, being an independent consultant brings a complete set of challenges and opportunities, many which have a major impact in your lifestyle. Without the safety net that a company provides, you're out hunting for your own game, and every day is different.

Below are the pros and cons I've found from working as a consultant:


  1. Flexibility: As an independent consultant, you have the freedom to set your own schedule and choose the projects that align with your expertise and interests. This flexibility allows you to pursue a diverse range of opportunities and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

  2. Entrepreneurial Spirit: Consulting in hospitality requires a strong entrepreneurial spirit and a knack for innovation. You'll have the opportunity to develop creative solutions to complex challenges, whether it's optimizing operational efficiency or enhancing guest experiences. You can think out of the box and even blend experiences from various projects to offer something unique and valuable.

  3. Diverse Exposure: Consulting exposes you to a wide array of hospitality businesses, from boutique hotels and resorts to restaurant chains and event venues. This diverse exposure not only enriches your professional experience but also expands your network and opens doors to new opportunities.


  1. Uncertainty: The life of an independent consultant can be unpredictable, with fluctuations in project demand and income. Navigating periods of uncertainty requires resilience and adaptability, as well as a strategic approach to financial planning.

  2. Client Relations: Building and maintaining client relationships is essential for success as a consultant. This requires strong interpersonal skills, effective communication, and the ability to navigate varying client expectations and preferences.

  3. Solo Endeavor: Unlike the collaborative environment of a hotel, consulting can sometimes feel like a solo endeavor. While you may collaborate with other consultants or agencies on projects, the autonomy of consultancy can be both liberating and isolating.

There is no right or wrong path, but it is important to recognize which is the right path FOR YOU. Whether you choose to pursue a career as an on-property, team driven leader or embark on the path of independent consultancy, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons carefully. Each path offers unique opportunities for growth, learning, and fulfillment, and the key is to align your career choice with your passions, skills, and long-term aspirations.

As you navigate your journey in the hospitality industry, remember that success ultimately stems from a combination of passion, dedication, and a commitment to continuous learning and development.

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