One illuminating lesson about Changemakers throughout history
Graphic about Creative Change Cycle from the book: Creative Change

One illuminating lesson about Changemakers throughout history

First, thank you to the 23,000 Changemakers who have signed up for Creative Change newsletter. To thank you uniquely, I am giving away 23 complimentary passes to my book launch in person at JEWEL Changi Airport, Singapore. Read the article till the end to know how to be the first 23 to claim this offer. Love you all!

“All our knowledge has its origin in our perceptions.

The eye, which is called the window of the soul, is the chief means whereby the understanding may most fully and abundantly appreciate the infinite works of nature.

Experience never errs; it is only your judgment that errs in promising itself results as are not caused by your experiments. Because, given a beginning, what follows from it must be its true consequence unless there is an impediment.”

— Leonardo da Vinci

What do Lee Kuan Yew, Taylor Swift, Nelson Mandela, Steve Jobs, and the audacious Berliners who chose to stand on top of a wall to signal the end of the Cold War have in common?

Like many Changemakers, they were not superhuman. They simply found their cause because they cared more about the issue, so they saw deeper and further. In understanding the world around them, they found creative ways to shape it.

Over two decades, my team and I at Consulus have worked alongside founders, leaders, and their teams, researching and implementing systems change on a global scale. We were able to journey with Changemakers in their struggles within billion-dollar companies, social enterprises, international non-profits, and governments. Trying to figure out how to shape lasting change has been my life’s work.

How did Changemakers with tiny resources creatively change industries and nations? How did they inspire movements that continue their cause generations beyond them? How did a Changemaker unite a circle of trust that can lead a broader movement? I have since learned that succeeding in change is not just about doing but recognizing how Changemakers are called differently, seeing situations with a penetrating gaze and possibilities that others have not seen, and mobilizing movements to join them to shape the world.

In the last decade, these questions and thoughts greatly troubled me and I could not string them like a string of pearls until now.

I have taken a storytelling approach following the lives of individuals, both familiar and unknown, throughout history. I have chosen unique episodes from ‘superstar’ individuals who possessed an iron will and ‘nameless’ groups like those that challenged the Berlin Wall who, despite being initially powerless, made a courageous decision to challenge the status quo and found creative ways to bring about change.

The inclusion of some notable figures in this book does not mean that their characters are spotless. I acknowledge that they were flawed individuals just like us. I decided not to shy away from controversial characters as I focused on their impact and how they shaped the world through their actions.

Tracing the journeys of these individuals and teams, my work has helped me find a way to help us see things differently. For those of you who have watched my TEDx talk , I talked about a masterpiece code, and this is an expanded version of that. 

See that TEDx talk here:

There is a formula in all the chaos. Based on years of research and experience, I can say that it is possible to see a way forward and I call this the “Creative Change Cycle.” 

At the heart of this cycle are four elements that Changemakers need to shape lasting change, which are: Cause, Creative Vision, Circle of Trust, and Competent Pivot. However, before discovering these four elements, a Changemaker needs to first be able to see things differently to continuously shape lasting change.

One of the covers for Creative Change

Eventually with all four elements in place, a constant flow of energy then pulsates from the cause which enriches the creative vision and expands the circles of trust while drawing relevant talent to enable creative change. The creative change effect is almost like a song where others will resonate with and want to be part of.

The litmus test of lasting change is the ability to mobilize a movement to come along with your cause.

Companies that almost failed, such as Apple, eventually became a trillion-dollar juggernaut to leapfrog much larger players like Microsoft to dominate the tech industry. Meanwhile, an unlikely island nation like Singapore with no hinterland, succeeded as an economic powerhouse that even the UK, a former empire, sought to emulate its vision post-Brexit. What do both of these examples share? They succeeded because their leaders had a clear cause, vision, and were able to draw a core circle of leaders who then mobilized a movement for change. Both examples also achieved their respective transformation through creative competency.

Every part of this book begins with a parable that frames the core principles. Each key passage from that parable is further explained through stories of Changemakers, facts, and practical frameworks for the purpose of applying them in different situations. 

Ultimately, this book is written as a strategic playbook for the Changemaker in you who wants to make a difference.

This is not a book for personal improvement or wealth accumulation. I had many drafts for this book, and earlier versions were too pleasing to appeal to everyone. But when I went to Africa, inspired by fellow Changemakers there, I decided to ‘lion up’ and say that change is possible for those called to shape it.

So, fellow Changemakers and Changemakers-to-be, this book is for you!

This article featured some excerpts from the book and is meant for the subscribers of the newsletter Creative Change


EMAIL [email protected] with the title: I AM CREATIVE CHANGE with your name, role and organization and why you like to come. If you are one of the first 23 applicants, you will get a response.


Shweta Goyal

International speaker I Author I Coach


Impressive! Lawrence Chong I would like to be the part of this. Please let me know.

Oluwatoyin Okanlawon

Real Estate Consultant| Property manager|Partner with EUC Homes & Billionaires Realtors group| Talks about #real estate, #property management, #investments, #uplifting messages.


Impressive. Creative change is truly transformative and powerful. Change makers empower and motivate other people to join the journey. Well done Sir, keep it up 👍.

Indra SriBawono Aji☛ℂᎯᏆᎯℂℒᎽЅℳ☚

International Mind Body and Soul Musician Guitar Specialist at AJI The Great™️


Light ide for change mindset is great,but don't forget change mindset by shadow is common ide too

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