It will soon be possible to achieve financial freedom without investing a dime

There are only `two’ people in this world who seriously care about your financial well being – You and Yourself. The only third person who cares is your creditor.

As far as financial and economic support is concerned the individual is a lonely, isolated and neglected ‘entity’.

The basic unit of society/community is not the family. It is the individual. Assuming a village is entirely made up of bachelors and spinsters, wouldn’t that village be called a community?

The phrase ‘each man for himself and God for us all’ may be controversial. But here is a re-phrase that holds true – ‘each man for himself and the government for us all’. If you are unemployed or suffer financial tragedy, it is regarded as your own problem. If ten thousand people are unemployed, then it becomes government problem. The government is, in reality, a faceless, soulless institution that recognizes  statistics and numbers only.

Underneath the façade of social and communal prosperity is a bustling clamor for economic survival on the part of each individual. I’m talking about that house-help who has to endure long working hours, little sleep, insults from her lady-boss, and every manner of demeaning treatment. Yet she won’t walk out of that ‘hell’ because jobs are scarce and the money she earns does help her mother and siblings back home. What about the harrowing stories that comes from Saudi Arabia – African girls who go to work there as house-maids being raped, starved, and maltreated in every degrading manner.

I’m talking about the many families I’m seeing whose purchasing power is so low; they can afford only one meal per day. Yet they have children who are less than six years old.

I’m talking about the single mothers holding on to pitifully small businesses. Businesses whose daily income can hardly feed one grown up person for one day. Yet they have children to feed, clothe, educate, and house rent to pay at the end of the month. They just hold on, and hold on, and work from dawn to dusk, never letting go. And hoping against hope that nothing gives in. That serious adverse circumstances do not befall them.

These are just moderate scenarios.

Yes, the attention of the ‘powers that be’, the movers–and- shakers, the Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) has never being focused on the well being of the individual person. Yet poverty and all its ramifications are experienced by the individual. Every form of money related problem is felt by the individual. No wonder, all the societal ills we see stem from individuals seeking attention, individuals seeking help, individuals who can no longer keep their heads above the water.

That is the situation on the ground. Those are the facts as they stand.

Now let us look at who has the money (an inexhaustible supply of it) and other resources needed to remedy this socioeconomic misalignment.

Governments do not have the money. They rely entirely on taxes to satisfy and deplete an ever burgeoning basket of demands.

That leaves two groups;

a)    Companies and businesses

b)   The people. The general population. You and me. Him and her.

These two groups have been in an everlasting marriage for as long as the history of man. Companies make goods and provide services. The people make up the customers and clients bases.

Now we want these two groups to bring what they have on the table. Then we will see what we can do with those resources.

Companies: Companies/businesses are the repository of wealth. They are money making machines. They have the know-how, the skills, the organizational capabilities, and they have access to the resources needed to make money. However, they have one serious vulnerability - They need customers to buy their products and to use their services. And this is a weakness they cannot extricate themselves from. This is their soft spot. And what a soft spot it is.

The people: These are the customers and clients. The people have the money. And they have an endless supply of it – courtesy of the sheer number of consumers. If the people (the market) decide to buy your product, you will sell, and sell, and sell. You will make millions, billions, and the market will still not dry up


We are still analyzing the contents on the table.

The people (customers) wag immense power. They are the lifeline of the companies. However this power cannot benefit the people because they seem inexorably divided.

One last thing is needed on this table. Creativity. A good idea. A blueprint on how to use these resources and weaknesses to solve the financial problems that haunt billions of people. Namely the perennial shortage of money and the lack of ready opportunities to satisfy urgent needs. A shortage that makes life one long struggle. A life where a comfortable, stress-free life is accepted as a luxury.

H.G Wells, a famous English author wrote, ‘Society is not changed by minor adjustments. But by the bold and wide sweeps of a vivid imagination’.

In the next article, you will discover the blueprint that is the solution to the whole dilemma. You will also read about formidable machinery that is being put in place to establish lifelong financial and economic empowerment systems. Systems that focus on the unit of society – the individual person. Systems that focus benefits on you and me. Systems that are specifically build to respond to your financial needs and your general economic needs.

If you are not impressed with having to wait for the article to come out, visit the construction site where the system that will serve as a trailblazer is coming up. Right here; I especially recommend the page titled Treasure Hunt International Club.

Remember to share this article because;

You are a customer. I am a customer. Everyone is a customer. UNITED WE WILL BARGAIN. And we will strike a hard bargain.


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