Play Hard and Go Big

Play Hard and Go Big

This week was the most challenging Peak Play game we’ve experienced to date (a name we give to the pick-up basketball games we host with local startups). We played Podium, one of our own portfolio companies that is growing at an impressive clip--and their game was nearly as good as their business results. (Note: Peak Ventures kept its undefeated record but Podium took us to the edge on our 5 game series). But more than that and no surprise to us, they were passionate and fully committed. They played hard and didn’t let up. The action was heated - it reinforced to me again the commitment and drive that the best entrepreneurs have. We love to back these types of entrepreneurs at Peak Ventures, those that play hard and go big. And our team is made up of such, as was the design from the beginning.  

This week, one of our team members, Sam Bernards, transitioned from our team to take on the CEO role of one of the fastest growing companies in Utah, Purple. Being a customer myself personally and having watched Purple for a while now we are excited for the future there and wish Sam the very best! Sid and I anticipated from the beginning that there would be talent flow to and from our team and the entrepreneurial community. That will continue no doubt. We are proud of that and believe it is how it should be. We’re behind Sam and even encouraged him to secure this new role, because this is what Peak Ventures is all about: We are determined to back the best entrepreneurs and companies in our state. We exist to propel the next generation of massive companies that will emerge from Utah. 

Entrepreneurism is dynamic. The best rarely rest and don’t stand still. We are a bit off, in that we are constantly moving, always evolving and at times, unaware of how hard what we are trying to accomplish actually will be. Susan Petersen of Freshly Picked reminded me of that this week as I interviewed her at a corporate Peak leadership lunch. She is an inspiration and her story is one of opportunity, grit and scrappiness. We love hanging with entrepreneurs like Susan!

Inspiration is all around us and found within us. I’m banging this out while listening to pitches and being inspired at BYU Investors Day. Sid and I were in NYC a couple of weeks ago and while there were fortunate enough to be able to see Hamilton, the musical. Ever since then the line, “how lucky we are to be alive right now,” has been ringing in my ears. Utah’s future is bright. Peak is here to ball. We will always evolve and do our best to improve and grow our start-up community in whatever ways we uniquely can. If you have game, bring it! And we will do our best to match. 


Managing Partner at Parkplace Residential


Some of the best days are in the snow!

Tyrone Gibson

User Delight \ Collaboration \ Design Thinking \ Brand Strategy + Design



Jeremy Thone

I Helped a solopreneur conquer 'imposter syndrome', launched their podcast in a 6-week sprint (6 episodes!) I produce a podcast called 'Social Dream Machine' focused on the monetization of the creator economy.


Love that Sam went on to Purple and you still supported his decision.  That's leadership in my opinion and leading with a wealth mindset.

Cory Reid

Dad, Founder, Ceo, Advisor, Angel Investor


great article. reinforces the purpose of utilizing venture capital: 1) buy scale (top line focused, bottom line mindful) and 2) create a category. thanks jeff.

Rich Mitchell, MBA

Controller at Mechanical Service and Systems, Inc.


Great post. I live the idea that the "best rarely rest" kind of an empowering mantra.

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