With Pryde

With Pryde

We thought carefully about whether to change Hyve's logo to a rainbow for Pride month. It comes up every year and for the first time, we’ve decided to do it. 

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We’re cautious about it because we care. We care about making Hyve (and the world beyond) genuinely inclusive. And we care about not using a community that we know still faces so much prejudice as a marketing tool.

Our intent to be inclusive to the LGBTQ+ community has of course always been there, but this year we’ve really made progress and we want people to know about it - not for kudos, but to communicate our advocacy to current and future colleagues.

Starting with the basics, we’ve reviewed our policies to make sure they’re LGBTQ+ friendly and all use inclusive and gender-neutral language. We have made quick changes like assigning inclusive toilets. We’ve sparked learning and driven awareness by inviting some inspirational people to come and have conversations with us (thank you Fox Fisher, Laïla El-Métoui and Glenn Hicks) with more to come. We’re talking to the organisers of Pride events about how we can offer our expertise to support them. We’re doing a better job at listening, having added diversity, equity and inclusion to our regular colleague feedback survey. Unconscious bias training is being rolled out. Throughout the year we’ll be raising money for Diversity Role Models and KyivPride. We’re getting smarter at measuring the impact of our initiatives to support our future planning, through expanding the collection of protected characteristic data. We’ve embarked on an in-depth audit and global benchmark of our diversity, equity and inclusion in partnership with experts MIX Diversity Developers. Later this month, we’ll celebrate the vibrance of the community with our own Pryde carnival and drag party. We’re also making sure momentum is maintained by launching Pryde, our first employee resource group, with backing from our Exec team.

And we are nowhere near done. In fact, we know we never will be.

So, please think of our rainbow logo as a symbol of our respect for the LGBTQ+ community and our commitment to playing our part in the ongoing drive towards an embracing and equitable world for all.

Keep an eye on Hyve’s LinkedIn page throughout the month where we’ll be sharing more about what we’re up to, and to hear from some of our Pryde team and LGBTQ+ community.

Linda Mortimer CIIC

Internal Communications at London Gatwick


Authentic comms or don’t bother! Love and respect this approach.

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