Somewhere Over the Rainbow: Making Corporate Pride Meaningful Year-Round

Somewhere Over the Rainbow: Making Corporate Pride Meaningful Year-Round

Another June has rolled around, and with it comes a wave of rainbow logos and corporate declarations of support for Pride Month. While it’s encouraging to see so many companies showing their colors, it’s crucial to ask ourselves: Are these gestures truly meaningful, or are they just for show?  

The Real Meaning of Pride Month 

Pride Month is a time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community’s identity, achievements, and resilience. It commemorates the Stonewall Riots of June 1969, a pivotal moment in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights. Although we’ve made significant strides since then, the journey toward full equality continues. In over 70 countries, homosexuality remains illegal, and some places even impose the death penalty. This harsh reality highlights the ongoing need for support and awareness. 

Why Should Corporations Care? 

For businesses, supporting Pride isn’t just a feel-good moment; it’s about doing the right thing. An inclusive workplace attracts diverse talent, boosts employee satisfaction, and enhances productivity. Companies that genuinely value diversity often enjoy better reputations and stronger customer loyalty. But true support must go beyond a month of rainbow-washed marketing to making a real difference in equity at work. 

Beyond the Logo: How to Show Real Support 

I am always learning, but here are some things I've learned throughout my journey of allyship: 

  • Educate and Engage: Host workshops, webinars, and training sessions on LGBTQ+ issues like diversity, gender identity, and intersectionality. Share resources like articles, videos, and infographics to educate everyone about the history and significance of Pride Month. 

  • Update and Communicate Policies: Regularly update everyone on company’s inclusive policies. This includes anti-discrimination measures, equal benefits, and using gender-neutral language. Create a feedback loop so employees can share their thoughts and suggestions about our LGBTQ+ policies. 

  • Leader Communications: Our leaders should actively lead by example. Support LGBTQ+ initiatives and participate in events. Be vocal about the importance of Pride Month and year-round support. Examine your own biases and educate yourselves. Share personal stories or reasons why supporting the LGBTQ+ community is important, fostering a personal connection with employees. 

  • Be Consistent Advocates: Advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and inclusion in industry forums, conferences, and public platforms. This shows our commitment both internally and externally.  

  • Show Real Support: Partner with LGBTQ+ Organizations and vendors. Build long-term partnerships with LGBTQ+ organizations. This could involve financial support, volunteer efforts, or collaborative projects that benefit the community. 

  • Engage Meaningfully: It's essential to back up your support with real actions. Partner with LGBTQ+ organizations, support their initiatives, and consider donating a portion of profits from Pride-themed products to LGBTQ+ charities. 

  • Educate and Raise Awareness: Hosting workshops and training sessions on LGBTQ+ issues can foster a more inclusive culture. Topics like diversity, gender identity, and intersectionality can provide valuable insights and promote empathy among employees. At Livewire Communications , we host a quarterly conversation series that promotes open conversations, education, and perspectives. (I’ll post some resources in the comments but please share your favourites!) 

Making Pride a Year-Round Commitment 

Pride shouldn’t be confined to June. Here are some ways to show your commitment throughout the year: 

  • Create a Diversity and Inclusion Council: Establish a dedicated team to oversee diversity and inclusion initiatives, ensuring sustained focus and accountability. Support and sponsor LGBTQ+ employee resource groups, giving them a platform to organize events, share insights, and build a supportive community. 

  • Support Local LGBTQ2+ Communities: Invest in local LGBTQ+ businesses and organizations. This could mean sourcing from LGBTQ+ suppliers or sponsoring community events throughout the year—not just in June.

  • Year-Round Training and Development: Implement ongoing learning programs on LGBTQ+ issues, bias, and inclusivity ensuring employees at all levels remain informed and empathetic towards the challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community. 

Moving Beyond Rainbow Washing 

It’s great to see widespread corporate support during Pride Month, but these gestures need to be backed by genuine commitment and action. As we support Pride Month, we need to recognize the ongoing challenges faced by people in the LGBTQ+ community. For example, transgender and gender non-conforming individuals often face higher levels of discrimination, violence, and barriers to healthcare and employment. Addressing these issues through dedicated support and inclusive policies is essential for creating a truly equitable workplace. 

Rainbow logos are a good start, but they must be accompanied by meaningful support that extends beyond June. So, this Pride Month, let’s make sure our actions reflect our values, creating lasting impact and genuine support for the LGBTQ+ community. Let's show that our pride isn’t just for show—it’s here to stay. 

On behalf of all of us Livewire Communications —Happy Pride!    

Allison Paige, MBA

Award-winning integrated marcomm professional with a comprehensive knowledge of building strong brand strategies, communication plans, and consumer-centric marketing campaigns.


Great article, Allison!

Audrey Ross CITP

Trade Compliance Specialist


Blended Pledge - some resources

Kevin Larstone

Vice President, Audience Experience & Technology


Great article and reco’s Allison!

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