Tako AI + Slidin' into DMs

Tako AI + Slidin' into DMs

1. TikTok Is Now Connecting Creators with Brands

This week TikTok released a new feature called ‘Open Applications.' This enables brands to post the details of an upcoming campaign that creators can then respond to in the app. This feature has been in testing since February (so not majorly new), but will really change the landscape for creators. As explained by TikTok, “By allowing creators to propose their campaign ideas to you, Open Applications makes it easier to find creators with unique stories and connections to your brand - qualities that can be hard to find through a simple creator search.”

2. Meet Tako - TikTok’s AI

TikTok has announced that they have begun limited testing for an AI chatbot in the app. Funny enough, the chatbot has a name – “Tako”, and its only live in a few markets at a time while in the testing phase. If TikTok ends up releasing the feature, the chatbot could “radically change search and navigation” in the app, according to Daniel Buchuk of Watchful Technologies. The chatbot will give suggested prompts to help a user start a conversation with the bot. According to Buchuk, “If I’m watching food videos and ask for a recipe I’ll get related TikTok videos for the recipe, or if I ask for good art exhibitions in Paris it’ll show videos alongside a list of suggestions in the answer.” Next up, AI chatbots in our homes? Seems likely!

3. Slide into the LinkedIn DMs

LinkedIn just released a feature that allows B2B companies to market via DMs. Rather than going on a hunt for a business email, potential customers can now reach out to companies in a direct message. LinkedIn states that this will help “marketers reach their buyers at different stages of their buying journey”. With this feature, LinkedIn aims to help marketers reach their buyers at different stages of their buying journey, revolutionizing B2B outreach and engagement.

4. UGC > Influencers

Looks like influencers might be seeing some competition. In a study conducted by Entribe, 80% of consumers surveyed didn’t feel that influencer endorsement had any impact on their purchase activity at all, and even had a negative impact on whether they wanted to purchase a product. On the other hand, 86% of respondents said they are more likely to trust a brand that publishes user-generated content. We may be reaching a peak in influencer marketing as the industry becomes more and more oversaturated, while UGC creators could be in even higher demand.

5. Twitter Gives Blue Subscribers 1 Hour Editing Window 

No more fretting over typos, autocorrect mishaps, or forgetting to include that crucial hashtag. Twitter announced this week that they have increased the editing window to 1 hour for Blue Subscribers, Granted, there is a subscription fee of $7.99, but could very much be worth it for anyone who wants more editing power. With this game-changing feature, you now have the freedom to fine-tune your tweets after you press that post button within the first hour. 

Moe*-ment of the Week

*moment of excellence

My Beige Flag

A new funny trend gracing the For You Pages of TikTok includes the Beige Flag. These are funny odd traits in a romantic prospect (or friend) that aren’t quite a deal breaker, but not exactly a plus, either. Notable examples include: dunking Oreos in water instead of milk, being afraid of astronauts, or staring at paint dry… Have at it!

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