Thank You coronavirus -a perspective from an ROI driven Real Estate investor

Thank You coronavirus -a perspective from an ROI driven Real Estate investor

I was frightened when I learned about the potential effects of this epidemic on the health & wellbeing of my loved ones, my Team, my friends and my own. I was frightened with the unknown effects it would have on my businesses, my year and my finances. I was terrified with what this would mean for our customers, service providers, business partners and ecosystem. So many unknowns compounded with the rapid misinformation epidemic and minimally invasive surgery that I had to schedule in the midst of this craziness would be, by most accounts, a recipe for some stress-or a lot of it.

I am troubled by those who are no longer with us as a result of something that we wish we could control or at least have prepared for better. I am saddened that there are people suffering with health, financial and situational matters and it seems that the little one can do while being quarantined, is not enough for all of these people who are in need. I am upset that this Coronavirus thinks that it can defeat us and break our economy and in trying to do so, it thinks that the hope, positivity, zeal, resilience and creativity that defines us, can be tampered with. So, I want to respond to you, Coronavirus, you POS, and tell you that with your winds of negativity and dark clouds, you have afforded us the opportunity to reflect, react and execute in ways that will make us far more powerful than any of your mutations. Furthermore, even if your arrival has forced us to rethink & reshape in ways that we never could have imagined, what is developing in this process is going to teach you a lesson and send you back to wherever it is you came from. America will not do things in the ways that it always has.....thank you for that!

Thank you for allowing me to spend time at home. I needed that. My kids are busy as can be and happy that we are all together. My significant other is happy too!

Thank you for helping me create much needed order with all kinds of projects that needed my time and attention. Things seem to be more organized than ever.

Thank you for giving me the headspace to meditate, get healthy again and recover after surgery.

Thank you for making sure I work really long hours with my Team so that we can be connected, think & plan together, get lean & mean and be more proactive with all of our stakeholders than we have ever been. By the way, we are enjoying the process. It’s a lot of work and some tough decisions are being made, but we are finding comfort in the discomfort you have pushed us towards.

Thank you for allowing me to feel that I have the best Team in the world that works tirelessly and in synch to make sure we are not only reacting to this situation in the best way possible but in addition, that we remain positive & strong in the process.

Thank you for making me realize what matters in life by being surrounded by it-albeit, digitally. We are all supporting each other more than ever as this social distancing has led us to an amazing movement of digital caring, concern and connectivity. Thank you for connecting us by trying to be divisive.

Thank you for allowing me to see that value in those that I love and care for as I am able to see & hear them without all the daily noise.

Thank you for allowing me to understand who will go to battle and who is not ready to be aligned. Things must evolve at all levels.

And, Thank you for giving me a swift kick in the ass to remind me that I need to say Thank You more often.

I am all about growth and hitting my business goals and, we will get there. Most real estate investors are transactionally minded and it is difficult to depart from the state of mind and perhaps focus on purpose-driven decisions and relationships. At this time, there is nothing more important to me than stepping back from the “transaction” to plan and taking care of those who matter-that is the ROI that I am focused on. Transcendent will suffer in 2020 as some key performance indicators and associated financials will not be met. I am bothered by that as I am a fiduciary and I feel responsible. But, this is going to be an amazing year for us because we are learning so much about ourselves, our industry, our community and about our amazing America. We will come out of this stronger and better and when we do, I am hopeful that we can look back on this and rationalize that some good came from these turbulent and unsettling times.

With admiration and respect to all First Responders, the Medical Community and to all those who are doing whatever they can to help us all recover,

Jordan Kavana-Founder & CEO, Transcendent Investment Management & CleanLiving Communities

Eli Markovetski

We assist companies to go global, find relevant business partners & manage new global business opportunities.


Hi Jordan, It's very interesting! I will be happy to connect.

Regina Sicat

CEO of ProJuris Business Services Inc.


Thank you, this resonates powerfully with me.

Mirjana Lambasa, Waterfront Homes on The Hudson

REO Management & Disposition | Residential Sales


Thank you for sharing your thought and this will help us to move forward with gratitude and love. Sending to you and Your family our hope, prayers . Thank you

Keith Costello CFA

Locality Bank CEO | Empowering Local Business with Technology


Great post thanks!

Beck Miller

Director at Exline Capital


Great Read!

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