Transgender Visibility in the Workplace: The Importance of Intentional Support Systems

Transgender Visibility in the Workplace: The Importance of Intentional Support Systems

Each year on March 31st, the world collectively recognizes International Transgender Day of Visibility. It is also important to note that on November 20th, we memorialize the lives of transgender individuals who were murder over the past year with Transgender Day of Remembrance. Most people know about TDR, as over the past few years there has been an increased awareness of the violence that transgender community faces. However, both days of significant meaning for our transgender family, friends, and colleagues. However, given all of the current attacks the transgender community is facing it is vital that we increase our intentionality of support systems for transgender individuals in the workplace. 

When we think about the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs, we know the financial security is at the very base of the pyramid. Currently, in our society to achieve said financial security one needs a job that pays a living wage. However, a living wage is not enough. Individuals need to psychological safety within their place of employment to ensure they can thrive and be a longer term highly productive contributor… leading to long lasting financial security for the person. For the transgender community, especially in the United States, having employment also means having access to healthcare through their employer benefit programs. 

Now, lets take a moment to address healthcare for transgender individuals. Gender-affirming healthcare is one of the most important support systems that transgender employees must have access to. Employer provided insurance coverage must include gender-affirming medical procedures such as hormone therapy and surgeries (for those that need/want surgeries). More importantly, employers must provide access to gender affirming mental health resources.

Next, we need to talk about gender-neutral, or I like a better term – gender-inclusive policies, practices, and processes. At a baseline your non-discrimination policy should include the following terms – gender identity/expression, intersex, and genetic characteristics. Best In Class policies will cover, dress codes, bathroom usage, transition in the workplace, pronoun usage, and gender inclusive language throughout all company communications. It is also important for employers to actively recruit and hire transgender individuals. This can be done through targeted outreach to LGBTQ+ organizations and events, as well as through inclusive job postings that specifically mention the employer's commitment to diversity and inclusion.

I would like to highlight supporting transgender colleagues through their transition in the workplace. If the organization is not designed to support these colleagues, they have a higher risk of losing their financial security. So, this part needs to be done with high levels of intentionality and compassion. Start with having a well-documented, publicly available, playbook for how the organization will support the person seeking assistance through the transition process. Below is a sample of how a transition process can go. 

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Most importantly, have a confidential support group for transgender and non-binary colleagues. I have seen firsthand what this type of support system can do for colleagues. This gives colleagues the space to be themselves even if they are not “out” to the rest of the organization. 

Finally, no matter the actions you take, do it from a place for care and support. Engage your transgender colleagues asking them what support systems they need to thrive. Be intentional with your allyship.

Anna Rhea Budraitis

New Technology Portfolio Manager - Scent Technology & Innovation Group and Global Co-Lead of LGBTQIA+ ERG at International Flavors & Fragrances


Thank you Christopher. I could not have asked for someone better to guide me through my workplace transition. You showed care and compassion throughout the process, easing my fears and giving me the confidence to be my authentic self at work. I can't thank you enough. ❤️🏳️⚧️

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