We Wish to Inform you That Soon, Your Children Will be Murdered in School:

We Wish to Inform you That Soon, Your Children Will be Murdered in School:

I was going to write today about an incomprehensible opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal about Stakeholder Capitalism. Then Texas happened and nothing else seems important.

I was on social media today, looking to see what people would say about the latest massacre of these children in Texas.

There is a subset of us in the country who are obsessed with guns. And, no matter how many children are killed in schools, that subset will fight against anything that will stop this. I’m not going to try to persuade them of the errors of their ways. It’s useless. They won’t budge. I don’t know if it’s because they don’t care about other people’s children or, if just being in the conservative tribe requires them to always support ideas about gun control because the tribe matters more than anything else. I really don’t know. I don’t understand it. I am a gun owner, and I would gladly accept ANY law or regulation that would stop this carnage. They won’t accept anything that helps. And the politicians who depend on their votes, who are more interested in power than service to our country will continue to do nothing to stop this.

So, it seems, we all must simply accept this. This notion that we all should own guns will always continue to be more important than the lives of those who are massacred. 19 children and two teachers this time. So many more over the years and so many more coming because…well hell. I don’t know why. I wish someone could tell me why this is all ok. For many of us, these tragedies are totally acceptable, just as long as nothing gets between this group and their guns.

The following aren’t my words, they are some things I’ve heard today and some things that perhaps, we should all consider:

“A country that places a priority on passing laws forcing women to have children but refuses to pass laws to keep them safe is a country full of mothers screaming for change.”

“it takes a monster to kill children. But to watch monsters kill children again and again and do nothing isn’t just insanity – it’s inhumanity. Our truth is, one nation under guns. What might be if only we tried. What might become if only we’d listen.” Amanda Gorman.

After Sandy Hook we (Some of us anyway) said: Never again! Then we did nothing and we let 3,865 individual mass shootings happen in in the US (That’s not the number of people who were killed, that’s the number of mass shooting incidents. I was going to look up the number of people but started to feel sick to my stomach).

It’s insane how the only notable change since Sandy Hook is that kids are now formally trained to hide, barricade doors, fight, or run for their lives. That was the solution (not that we shouldn’t know how to do those things…but) To literally put the responsibility on children to figure out and to them just wish them luck…

Some will respond to this and tell me why I’m wrong and why more guns is the only answer. I don’t need to hear that because I’m not trying to persuade those of you who think this, to change. I’m devastated. Not only because of this tragedy but because…nothing will change. Our children will continue to be killed. I will hurt, people like me will hurt, and then, those who think that guns are not the problem and more guns are the solution, will continue, at all costs, to stand in the way of us saving our children.

Jeff Cherry

Managing General Partner: Conscious Venture Partners


Did anyone on this thread see @matthew mcconaughey at the White House today? If so…and you keep talking to me about Root causes that don’t start with guns…. You have no humanity. That’s all.

Policing. Policy. Preparedness. Guns. Endless arguments of these “solutions” in 50+ years have not been effective saving more lives. ASSISTEYE® service is better than: • Current delays due to travel times • Better accuracy than distorted or unavailable eyewitness accounts • Improving response by impeding assailants before 1st responders arrive • Remotely operated AI assisted missions supplant need to override normal human fears about running toward danger • Devices can be replaced humans can't.


Jeff, I read your post and the tiny bit of wokism in me was "triggered" by your use of the term "tribe". You mentioned a subset of people are in the conservative tribe. I don't see this as an issue with those who "cling to their guns and religion". I agree there are two tribes. One on the right and one on the left. But I see those tribes as the minority of the population. I believe most folks are nomads roaming back and forth with most of their time spent in the middle. I'm center right without a party since 2016. You mentioned you own a gun, but didn't expand on why. It doesn't matter why, you have that right. I have never owned one, but I grew up with one in our home because it was a necessary tool my father HAD to have because of his occupation. We are an example of the nomad reference. I know your politics are somewhere left of mine. In the narrative coming from both tribes, we don't make sense. I should own the gun, and you should be against me owning the gun depending on which tribe is considering the conundrum. The problem is with the Corporations and weak politicians influenced by them.

Lisa Friedlander

Attorney, Entrepreneur, Angel Investor, Mentor & Advisor


Couldn't agree with you more Jeff Cherry! Thank you for using your platform and voice to speak so boldly!

Jack Gabriel

Chairman of the Board


You cant collect 400 million guns in this country and never will. The shooter was a disturbed individual that was also bullied consistently and had no support in the system to stop the bullying. In most cases violence at this level unless group terrorism is a personal mental health problem. The divorced parents were impoverished and didnt seek help. The system failed to cease the bullying and the mental crazy in the shooter and it availed itself. Then, today it was revealed the preventitive measures to protect the school and the children broke down. A better solution may to expose bullies and discipline them and get the bullied help from that trauma so they know they can function without peer ill will. This issue is always politicized as a gun issue when it is a people issue. That never gets talked about? Gun free has failed in Chicago as we all know. It is a people problem of provocation and response. This shooter announced this event and no one took notice and why? There is always more to the story.

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