What is #EmbraceYourShitness?

What is #EmbraceYourShitness?

#EmbraceYourShitness is not about being shit.

Well, actually it is.

Not accepting that you are shit but acknowledging that you are. For now.

When we first start doing something we won’t be very good at it. We can become discouraged. In fact, we might not even give it a try because we are worried that we’ll be shit at it.

“I’m not very good at…”

“I don’t like the sound of my own voice”

“I haven’t got all the right equipment”

I hear these kinds of comments all the time. They’re excuses. Ways of putting something off that you’re scared to do. It’s often driven by worrying what people will think.

The only way you’ll get past that is by taking the next step. Too often we try to get it perfect, to make sure that we are meeting some imaginary standard. Comparing ourselves to people who are better than us at whatever we are trying to do.

If you did that when you were learning to walk as a baby you’d still be sitting on your arse.

“I’m rubbish at walking, I keep falling over. And all these big people are really good at it, I may as well not bother”

But you didn't because you had no concept of embarrassment and shame.

One reason why people go on so many training courses is to delay actually doing anything. But you’ll only really get better at something when you do it. Have a go and then find ways to improve.

I started a YouTube channel a while ago because I wanted to learn how to do it. I wanted to get better a doing videos but I also wanted to get better at talking off the cuff and doing things in one take. I'm a bit lazy like that, I like to keep it simple.

The most important thing to me was to enjoy the process and have some fun. I wanted something to amuse myself with. At the outset, that was the only goal.

The whole premise is that it's a bit shit. That gives me the freedom to try it out and make mistakes. I make a big deal out of the improvements I have made, even though they are very simple.

In some way I'm trying to give permission to others to do the same. To just have a go at something and stop putting things in your way.

I invite you to have a look at it. You can find it here: -


Please subscribe to the channel, you might learn something. Not just about starting a YouTube channel.

Ward Hampton

Data Center Executive Search | Boardroom, C-Suite & Senior Appointments For Start-Up & Scale-Up Data Center Developers | Host of 'A Word With Ward' Podcast | Living in Lima | Failing Miserably To Learn Spanish |


Very good Dave. I feel like I just came out of a bad trip.

Paul Graham

Microsoft 365 Productivity Coach. The most relatable IT coach you'll meet! Specializing in helping people Copilot, Power Apps, and Power Automate. FTSE 100 experience in coaching, training and adoption.


The world of the future is yours Dave. Brillianto

Kevin J. Cox

Air Traffic Manager | Networker | Retired USN Chief Petty Officer


Dave, go for it! No shame in it. Now your in the big leagues, make sure you keep your shitness sense of humor.

Richard O'Neill

Founder at Richard O'Neill Storytelling


Nice one Dave


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