What is my Global Footprint? What's Yours?

What is my Global Footprint? What's Yours?

Define Footprint

The term “footprint” refers to the impression left by ones’ shoe or actual foot. In this case, we are talking about our world footprint we have taken calculated by ecological footprint, carbon footprint, water footprint and a slavery footprint. How do our footprints impact the world?

What are these footprints? 

Ecological Footprint 

The ecological footprint calculator tool is used to measure the human use of natural resources. In this tool the factors include, plant based food, fiber products, livestock products, fish products, forest products. 

Here are my personal results: 

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What this means… from the start of the year to April 14 is the day my personal demand for ecological resources can no longer be supported by the earth. 

Carbon Footprint 

The carbon footprint tool measures the amount of greenhouse gases that we emit by our actions. This is measured by our carbon dioxide and methane emission. This can be broken down by shelter, food, clothing, transportation, manufactured products and services. 

My carbon footprint

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Water Footprint 

The water footprint calculator counts water usage from showers, to dishes, manufactured products, cooking, clothes, essentially everything we do water is used to make goods and services. Which is why water footprint is so important since it is a limited resource. 

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Slavery Footprint

The slavery footprint is important as this relates to a sustainable, ethical world. However, rarely do we shed light on this topic when the idea of “saving the planet” is considered. We tend to focus on just the usage of natural resources. However, this is a substantial tool in understanding the goods and services we blindly consume from slave labor. The leading brands that have such a big hold on our lives are some of the top companies who use slave labor. These items in front of us like our smartphones, clothes and most tangible items comes from the working hands of slaves as well as the resources used to create them. 

How will I change my own lifestyle this 2022? 

Lower food waste

I am extremely passionate about food waste. Growing up in a frugal household, waste is absolutely not an option. Below are my current actions and future actions I will do to lower food waste.


Composting lowers co2, promotes a vital environment for plants and even retains pollutants as it serves as a filter from water rainfall. Even if you do not pay for this service, you can just put it in your backyard to breakdown in the dirt. 

Simply taking...

  • Vegetable food scraps (peels, skins, rinds, seeds, pits)
  • Egg shells 
  • Coffee 

and throwing it into your garden. Super easy!

Remember! No animal products. 

 Plan meals ahead

Writing down a meal agenda will reduce food waste as I strategically plan my meals in advance. This will allow me to not overshop and remember the current items I already have in stock. 

Lower my electricity 

Being more conscious about what utilities and appliances is my next focus. Being cautious of how long I leave the heater on, my lamps/lights and even the TV running when no one is watching is important. There is no need to leave items on when not being used! 

Lower my water usage

 Another step I would like to take is to lower my water usage! Cutting down shower time, will save water and my bills. I plan on achieving this by only playing 2 songs maximum in the shower roughly about 6 minutes total.

Consider your footprint… 

When considering ones’ footprint on the earth, we never truly consider the everlasting impacts of what feels like our small, inconsequential actions when in reality we are contributing to waste that affects our future and our planet we refer to as home. By reconsidering our actions, we can choose to not be ignorant by collectively working to lower our ecological, carbon and water and slavery footprint for a better world. 


Sara Baskentli, PhD

Associate Professor of Marketing at Western Washington University


Excellent job, Megan!


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