What's your story?

What's your story?

Everybody loves a great story. And everybody’s got one. Some are more interesting than others. Some are all sunshine and rainbows. Some would make a great made-for-TV movie. But no matter the type of tale, we all have one. And they’re all worthy of being told.

But simply telling your story isn’t enough. It’s the way you tell it that packs the most punch. Even when the one you’re telling it to, is you.

Think about it. If the moral of the story inside your head is “I’m awesome and I’m about to make something as awesome as me happen today,” it’s a safe bet you’ll end up kicking some serious tail over the course of the next 24 hours. On the other hand, if you constantly tell a lifeless tale of woe, you’ll probably spend a lot of alone time by the water cooler. (Water is refreshing and delicious. But it’s even better when you have somebody to talk to.)

The moral of this story: It’s your story. Own it. Live it. Tell it. Just make sure to tell the one with the happy ending.

The same goes for marketing.

Stories and marketing are best buddies. But so many brands don’t get it quite right. The days of throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks, are over. Spray and pray just doesn’t work anymore. Consumers are too busy, and too smart, for the wrong approach.

But guess what — everybody loves a great story! A great story helps a brand rise above the ever-louder noise. It reaches out and gently taps a shoulder, or aggressively grabs an arm, and pulls your audience in. And if it’s a good one, it keeps them there.

But here’s the part that so many brands miss on — a brand’s story is not your company history on a home page. It’s not a paragraph in a brochure. It’s not the latest and greatest feature of your new and improved best seller. Nope.

A brand story is a true story. It’s a belief. It’s bold, exciting and full of personality. It’s the real-life impact on a real-life customer. It’s what they say about you when they hear your name. A brand story is human and answers one really big question: “Why should I care?”

Sure, there’s more to it than that — culture, people, voice, — but in a quick, blog-sized nutshell, that’s what a brand story is to me.

What’s yours? Once you think you got it down, get out there and shout it from the rooftops. And don’t forget to ask your friendly, talented copywriter for assistance.

Ellen Kendall

Community Engagement I Fund Development I Copywriting


Concise and motivating

Megan Oliver

Service Account Manager at UnitedHealth Group


Love it! Thanks J!

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