Why can't we sell?!

Why can't we sell?!

If you are spending a great deal of time marketing your products and you are still not selling the quantities that you would like, the cause could be a range of potential problems. However, they may not be as obvious as an elephant in the room, such as bad products.

Here are some of the main issues that sales people face when trying to sell their own or company's products:

  • They found a better deal elsewhere

It is very common for customers to decide not to purchase something from us simply because they have managed to find a better price from our competitor.

In this case dropping our prices and battling against discounts from our competitors is one of the worst things we can do. Instead, we better draw their attention to the benefits of our products or services over competitors.

  • They got distracted

As a simple example more related to when are are busy advertising our product, it might be interesting to know that we have only as short as 8 seconds or less to capture the engagement of our audience and keep them interested in our product.

We need to find unique ways of appealing to our audience. perhaps with deals, high-quality images, and entertaining content. Once we have captured their attention, we need to make shopping as easy as possible.

  • They do not know what do buy

In today’s digitally-rich environment, choice overload is a serious problem for costumers and marketers. You might think that giving your customers plenty of different products to choose between is the best way to get a sale, but the truth is that too much choice can lead to “decision fatigue”, which causes consumers to give up on some purchases completely.

  • Poor costumer service

There’s nothing more frustrating than waiting hours, even days to have a simple question answered. Consumers are on a constant quest for convenience. They need attention and they want it fast. 

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