Why are we trying to reinvent the wheel when other countries have been down this road. Why don't we just study and evaluate past history??

Why are we trying to reinvent the wheel when other countries have been down this road. Why don't we just study and evaluate past history??

If experts truly wanted to make a difference they would research past history, look for facts, evaluate and discuss these facts.

But there is very little fact based knowledge being applied to the horrific school shooting we continually witness.

Did you know in the last 44 years there have been 2 school shooting in Israel ONLY because they instituted armed security in 1974 or 44 years ago in response a terrorist attack of a school in Maalot in 1974.

It is not just guns that kill, perhaps you remember the wave of knife attacks, An increase of violence occurred in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict starting early September 2015 and lasting into the first half of 2016, known as the "Wave of Terror" or "Intifada of the Individuals" by Israelis or the "Knife Intifada" or "Stabbing Intifada" by international media because of the huge number of stabbing attacks

The Israeli government's response was to ease the process for the civilian populace to obtain weapons.

Those that carry must be well trained without exception.

Most all attacks are not stopped by the police in Israel they are stopped by well trained civilians

Gun control has been proven to be a huge failure in most other parts of the world as in Israel, the multicultural communities are filled with illegal weapons, with police stating there are roughly 1/2 million guns in the most heavily guarded borders on this globe and Shin Bet who is at the top of their game, the best of the best cannot prevent criminals from possessing illegal firearms. Same true in the United States look at Chicago, some of the most restrictive gun laws in existence and approximately 600 people were murdered in just this 1 city in just 1 year!!

Gun ownership is a privilege not a right in Israel, weeding out those not mentally fit, as should be the case any place guns exist.

To further shock & awe the masses in reality, Israel's gun policy is a clearly case and point of the arguments the American gun lobby has been making for years, exactly the opposite "as experts" are stating???

To further confuse the issue main stream media continually makes false non fact based statements, such as "teachers do not want to carry" That is beyond false it is dangerous to make such wide sweeping statements. For example an Ohio Sheriff, a father a grandfather whose own daughter was afraid to bring her children, his precious grandchildren to school, so Butler County Sheriff Richard K Jones offered to cover the cost for teachers to take a concealed carry class in Butler County, which is north of Cincinnati. After receiving 300 requests, Jones said the limit had been reached. My understanding is the class reached capacity in JUST 4 HOURS!!! ...and teachers do not want to be armed??? Mmmm says who, FACTS SAY OTHERWISE.

Last but certainly not least, with slogans like "see something say something" when a person meets the criteria and deemed to be a potential danger to others, that warrants further investigation 100% of the time.

It is important to remember man has killed since the day of caveman, man continues to kill. It is not the weapon that is killing, IT IS MAN. Therefore if a multipronged approach is not taken and mental health is not addressed man will continue to kill with cars, trucks, knives, fire, bombs...or whatever man can get their hands on.

I believe changes are needed. BUT IT MUST START WITH AN HONEST CONVERSATION THAT ONLY REVOLVES AROUND FACTS, anything else is just distracting us from finding a cure.

Once this honest conversation occurs we can truly make the greatest difference in protecting our children.

Respectfully submitted,


Dave Cason

Service Team Lead for Northern Territory


Excellent points! Every time something like this occurs, everyone falls immediately to their default positions, “Ban everything!” or “Arm everyone!” Very little common sense actually reaches the top, or for that matter, even the public forum. The anti-gun lobbyists squawk about every point of failure as a “loophole” as though no restrictions existed at all. Failures of enforcement and procedure and simple failures to do one’s duty get lost in the chaos. Enforce the laws that exist, follow up on calls and warnings about potential hazards and ensure that ineligibilities get reported in a timely fashion and many of these shootings will have been prevented. Nothing will ever prevent every mass shooting or killings short of confining us all our own padded cubicles and bubble-wrapping every large object capable of inflicting harm on the human body.

Neil Moore, Ed.D.

Leadership Instructor and Consultant FBI-LEEDA; President TalMar Training & Consulting LLC


Rebecca, my point exactly! We know how to create a much safer environment for our children, educator/administrators and other government officials don't have the will to do it!

Michael Toron ஃ

Actively pursue solutions, and disseminate timely intelligence relating to Counterterrorism, Officer Safety, Covert Weapons, Hiding Places, Intelligence, Security, Active Shooters, Emergency Mgt...


To add a few related facts, Columbine was not the 1st US school shooting it was the 11th. As well as there have been school shootings in Finland, Germany, Scotland, Australia, Baku, Yemen, Canada, Netherlands, Sweden, Bosnia, Argentina, Brazil, France, and Kenya...not with same occurrence as in the US, however these shooting nonetheless have occured

Bryton Killian

Transportation Specialist


This exactly. Well put.

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