The Women of Future Mobility: Conversations with Elroy Air

The Women of Future Mobility: Conversations with Elroy Air

The Women of Future Mobility: Conversations with Alexandra at Elroy Air 

Welcome to part one of our Women of Future Mobility series. This project started out with the idea of being one big article featuring numerous women, however, the interest grew and grew - and the conversations I've had couldn't possibly be condensed into one article!

We're seeing more and more women follow their dreams of entering careers in STEM, and we want to ensure we continue to encourage the next generation to follow their dreams, rise through the ranks, not set themselves any limitations - and quite literally, shoot for the stars.

Today, I’m lucky enough to be joined by Alexandra Blake, Chief of Staff at Elroy Air. Elroy Air is a ‘drone for good’ organisation who are developing autonomous air cargo systems featuring a long-range eVTOL.


What has your journey been so far, to get to where you are now?

While aerospace and aviation weren’t a childhood dream, I always had a passion for science and emerging technologies. An internship at a local aerospace company sparked my interest in the field, leading me to pursue a master’s in mechanical engineering. Throughout my career, I’ve been deeply grateful for the opportunities that have come my way, including Analysis & Test lead at Wing, launch lead for Amazon’s delivery drone, and VP of engineering for Kittyhawk’s air taxi. Transitioning to Chief of Staff at Elroy Air was a deliberate choice to diversify my skill set, contribute at a higher level on the leadership team, and make a significant impact on the organization’s success. As a strategic thought and execution partner for our CEO David Merrill, I am excited to help shape what the future holds at Elroy Air.


Looking back on that journey, what has been your greatest accomplishment so far?

My greatest achievement thus far was building an exceptional engineering organization at Wing, transforming scrappy concept prototypes to a safe and reliable delivery service operating on 3 continents. Starting from a small project at Google[X], I had the privilege of founding the Analysis & Test team, which expanded from a handful of engineers to a fully-fledged organization responsible for aerodynamics and performance, reliability, hardware test, and flight test. Building and guiding a cohesive team, and creating a delivery service that successfully completed hundreds of thousands of commercial deliveries, was deeply fulfilling. Witnessing my team members grow in their technical expertise and thrive in their professional journeys was incredibly rewarding and one of my proudest achievements.


What excites you most about the current advancements being made across the industry?

I’m most excited about the advancement we’re seeing in autonomous vehicle capabilities. From small uncrewed aircraft systems (sUAS) to urban and regional air mobility (UAM and RAM), the industry is methodically enabling new levels of automation, transforming the way we approach mobility. While drone operations are still limited in scale due to regulatory constraints, these missions pave the way for larger autonomous platforms to enter the airspace, eventually carrying cargo and passengers. There is tremendous opportunity to achieve safer, more sustainable, and more accessible air transport. I'm excited to be part of an industry that is pioneering such groundbreaking developments.


What do you think organisations can do to support and encourage more women into the industry?

Proactive recruiting, especially among recent college grads, plays a pivotal role in attracting young women and building a robust talent pipeline. However, it's equally important not only to bring them in but also to ensure their representation in leadership roles and retain them over time. Creating an inclusive culture that values and advances women, and provides opportunity, will make them more eager to stay in the industry. I also encourage women to join industry groups that support and champion women, such as Women in Aerospace or the Society of Women Engineers.


What's next for you on this journey? 

As Chief of Staff at Elroy Air, I’ve had the privilege of gaining valuable insights into the broader business landscape for middle mile logistics, while contributing strategically to the organization’s growth and success. I appreciate the challenge of developing a system capable of operating safely and reliably in commercial, humanitarian, and defense environments. I look forward to leveraging my experience to support Elroy Air as we successfully navigate these challenges.


How do you stay up-to-date in this ever-changing field?

To stay up-to-date in this ever-changing field, I regularly engage with industry publications, online forums, and reputable websites. Attending conferences and workshops, enrolling in online courses, and collaborating with my professional network help deepen my knowledge and keep me informed about emerging trends and best practices. Additionally, I follow thought leaders on social media for valuable insights. This multifaceted approach allows me to remain adaptable and well-equipped to navigate the dynamic landscape of the industry.


How would you encourage young women who may feel hesitant about joining a male-dominated perceived industry?

Seek out mentors and allies who will support and uplift you on your journey. Connect with other women who have succeeded in the industry, as they can provide valuable guidance and encouragement.


 And finally, what single piece of advice would you give to women wanting to enter the industry?

Connect. I've met so many amazing people in this space over the last decade. Those relationships have been instrumental in all that I've been able to accomplish and the teams I've worked with. I encourage you to reach out, attend industry events, join industry groups and meetups. There is an amazing community of women in all areas of this industry and they really will inspire you as you look at entering the space.



Thank you so much for your time and for your wisdom, Alexandra. It was truly a pleasure learning more about your journey and hearing advice for other organisations in the future. To summarise, networking within the industry, joining communities welcoming women, and seeking out allies and mentors are incredibly important elements to helping women progress - these top tips can be applied to everyone!

I hope you feel as inspired as I do from this conversation with Alexandra, and I look forward to our next article… I wonder who will be joining me next 👀

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