Is your enterprise operating at the correct CRM maturity level?

Is your enterprise operating at the correct CRM maturity level?

When talking about the CRM maturity levels it should be kept in mind that:

  • Not all Organizations need to operate at Level V
  • Some organizations can do well at Level III
  • Longer the sales cycle, more complex the organization should be to handle it
  • Depends of which category your enterprise falls under.

We already discussed the various maturity levels in my last blog. 

Which Category does your enterprise fall under?

Category I

  • One type of Sales Organization with few if any territory or channel overlays. 
  • Only one type of Reps to take orders. Outside Reps take orders and inside reps facilitate them.
  • All territories are with exclusive with minimum overlay.
  • Limited eCommerce or indirect business. Less than 10% of the companies total sales volume.
  • Repeat business and upsells and long term contracts around 33% Of company's sales volume.
  • Sales Team works as a Single business unit. Every Rep can sell all the company's products.

Category II

  • Mix of Geographic,. vertical and named account territories and there are some overlays.
  • Both inside and outside reps can take orders and there is criteria for different kinds of orders. 
  • Most territories are exclusive and basis of exclusivity can be complicated and cause for argument.
  • eCommerce and indirect business represents 40% of the company's volume. Managing customer relationships across channels is becoming an issue.
  • Repeat business, upsells and long term contracts represent 50% of the sales volume.
  • Multiple business units and prodot specialists. Every rep cannot sell all the products.

Category III

  • Complex of geographic, vertical and named account territories. The company also has some global account managers for its top accounts.
  • All Channels can take orders, there are complicated rules of engagement, regarding how to hand off accounts across sales teams and out to the channel. 
  • Few territories are exclusive, except for global strategic accounts. Most exclusives are temporary and account transition is key success factor for ongoing revenues. 
  • eCommerce, and indirect channels handle 50% of the company's transactions and they may produce 50% the total sales volume 
  • Repeat business upsells and long terms contracts represent 66% of the sales volume.
  • Multiple salesforce. each focused on a different product or service line.

Category IV

  • Complex of geographic, vertical and named account territories. The company also has some global account managers for its top accounts.
  • All channels can take orders, there are complicated rules to engagement regarding how to hand off of accounts across sales teams and out to the channel. International conflicts also need to be managed. 
  • Few territories are exclusive, except for global strategic accounts. Most exclusives are temporary and account transition is a key success factor for ongoing sales.
  • e-commerce and indirect channels handle 70% of the transactions and 60% of the sales volume.
  • Repeat business, upsells ad long term contracts represent 75% of the sales volume.
  • Dedicated salesforce orgs for different business units.

Mapping Categories to Maturity Level

Now that you might have identified which category your enterprise falls under, it would be much easier to determine what might be your target maturity level.

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