Ingo Lehrke

Ingo Lehrke

CBO at Tubulis & CEO at Algiax

View articles by Ingo Lehrke

Algiax Pharmaceuticals Announces First Patient Enrolled in Phase IIa Multi-center Proof-of-Concept Study Evaluating AP-325 in Chronic Neuropathic Pain

Algiax Pharmaceuticals Announces First…

September 21, 2020

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Algiax Pharmaceuticals is founding partner of the new Center of Competence for Innovative Diabetes Therapy (KomIT) funded by NRW and EU

Algiax Pharmaceuticals is founding partner…

March 27, 2019

9 likes2 comments

Your Career at tesa Labtec - Manager Business Development

Your Career at tesa Labtec - Manager…

February 24, 2017

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Your Career at tesa Labtec: Manager Business Development

Your Career at tesa Labtec: Manager Business…

June 8, 2016


tesa Labtec Announces Successful Completion of FDA Pre-Approval Inspections of Its R&D and Manufacturing Facilities

tesa Labtec Announces Successful Completion…

February 25, 2016

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