Jack Forestell

Jack Forestell

Chief Product and Strategy Officer at Visa

View articles by Jack Forestell

Say Goodbye to Pending Charges

Say Goodbye to Pending Charges

May 19, 2022

199 likes2 comments

Tokens – the unsung heroes of eCommerce – now coming to Autofill in Google Chrome

Tokens – the unsung heroes of eCommerce –…

May 13, 2022

699 likes8 comments

Buy Now, Pay Later is Coming of Age

Buy Now, Pay Later is Coming of Age

October 7, 2021

357 likes2 comments

Why We Celebrate Tokens

Why We Celebrate Tokens

March 31, 2021

324 likes15 comments

Money Has Changed, for Good

Money Has Changed, for Good

January 25, 2021

226 likes5 comments