Privacy Policy

Listen2MyApp, offered through the Universal Resource Locator (URL), ("Website"), is owned, managed, and operated by MediaHosting LTD ("Company" or "We" or "Us" or "Our").

We respect the online privacy of the users of this Website ("You" or "Your") and strive to ensure that your browsing experience with us remains enjoyable and secure. This Privacy Policy ("Policy") informs you about our practices concerning information collection, its use and protection.

By using or accessing any of the features provided through this Website, you agree to the use of your information collected by us in accordance with the provisions contained hereunder. Except as stated herein or as required by law, we shall not use your information for any other purpose.

1. Personal Information

When Collected?: We collect certain personal information about you at different times during your Website usage. For instance, we collect personal information: (i) when you place an order for the purchase of service(s) offered by this Website; (ii) when you refer your friend(s) to us, we collect the personal information of your friend(s) from you; (iii) when you fill out an online survey, sweepstakes/contests form, or any other form for the Company-sponsored event; or (iv) via email/telephone, when we request certain information at different times.

What Collected?: The personal information so collected may include, without limitation, your full name, email address, postal address, telephone number, mobile number, date of birth, credit card details, billing address, etc. Only that much personal information about you is collected that we consider necessary for achieving the purposes stated herein.

Why Collected?: We collect your personal information to provide you with a secure, efficient, and customised experience with us. Essentially, your collected information is used: (i) to process your orders/requests, (ii) to contact you when required, (iii) to inform you about other services and products, (iv) for other purposes, including, troubleshooting, resolving disputes, accomplishing administrative tasks, and to enforce our Terms & Conditions Agreement. If you don’t want us to contact you regarding our products, services, Website news and updates, please contact us with a request to opt-out of our mailing list. Further, we do not send unsolicited mails or spam to anyone. We do not sell, rent, or otherwise commercially exploit your personal information so collected during your interactions with the Website.

With Whom Shared?: In order to attain efficiency in the services offered through this Website, we share your personal information, under appropriate burden of confidentiality, with:
(i) the service providers who are responsible for the management of services provided through this Website;
(ii) the mailing systems that we rely on in order to streamline the communication and delivery processes;
(iii) the professionals who are responsible for repair, maintenance, audit, accounts, legal, market research and advertising processes pertaining to the Website.

2. Non-Personal Information

When Collected?: We collect certain non-personal information about you during your visit to this Website.

What Collected?: The non-personal information collected from you includes, without limitation, your Internet Protocol (IP) Address, IP Address of your Internet Service Provider (ISP), the browser-type and the operating system installed on Your computer.

Why Collected?: Your non-personal information so collected is used to (i) enhance your browsing experience of this Website; (ii) diagnose and rectify any technical problem in our servers and database; (iii) analyse trends and demographic data for internal research purposes; (iv) improve our business practices; (v) deliver targeted advertisements to you; and (v) publish this information for promotional purposes or as a representative audience for advertisers. We do not use your non-personal information so collected in a way, which amounts to compromising your online privacy.

How Collected?: We use cookies to collect your non-personal information. A cookie is a small text file placed on the hard drive of your computer system by a web page server. We deposit cookies that are absolutely safe and do not, in any manner whatsoever, compromise on your online privacy or damage your computer system. We use cookies to personalise or enhance your experience of using this website. Cookies are also deposited by the third-party websites (advertisers) whose links are visible on this Website. When you click such third-party links, you do so at your own sole risk and the cookies of such linked third-parties behave in a manner defined by such linked third-parties. We do not control or monitor their cookies.
With Whom Shared?: You non-personal information may be shared with advertisers or third-party agencies in order to assess the overall effectiveness of our advertising campaigns and working of the Website.

3. Third Party Links

This Website may also contain links to the websites of our advertisers, partners, agents, affiliates, etc. We do not review, control or monitor the privacy practices of such linked websites operated by others. Your use of such linked websites shall be subject to the terms and conditions and privacy policies of such linked websites.

4. Data Security and Protection

We have deployed the necessary technical and administrative measures to secure the transmission of any kind of data to and from this Website. However, due to the peculiar nature of Internet, we can’t guarantee a foolproof mechanism that will keep Your information secure forever from unauthorised access.

All the financial transactions through this Website are routed through secure third party gateways belonging to the financial services providers, like credit card companies, PayPal, etc. The transmission of your sensitive financial information is secured by sophisticated encryption technology.

5. Exceptions

This Privacy Policy shall not be applicable under the following circumstances:

a. Disclosure of information to the government agencies in response to legal processes, like subpoena;
b. Any unlawful access to, and transmissions of personal information, from this Website;
c. Disclosure of information in the event of merger, sale, acquisition, etc. of the Company to an organisation taking control of the operations of the Website after such an event;
d. Disclosure of information to internal/external auditors entrusted with the task of investigating any suspected fraud on the Website;
e. Disclosure of information for the enforcement of our Terms & Conditions Agreement and for defending our rights.

6. Amendments

We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to modify and amend this Policy anytime. Any substantial changes or modifications to this Policy shall be notified to the members so that they may take appropriate action. Your continued use of the Website signifies Your implied consent to the amended Privacy Policy.

7. Contact Us

If you still have any privacy concerns using this Website, please feel free to contact us at:

MediaHosting LTD,
Fax: +972-39155798
Email: [email protected]