La Leche League International

We have Leaders offering breastfeeding support in over 80 countries.

Breastfeeding is warmth, nutrition, and love all rolled into one. We’ve been supporting mothers and nursing parents for over 66 years. If you need support with breastfeeding, chestfeeding or feeding your child human milk, the LLLI website has lots to help you!

Photo of a mother sitting in front of a large tree trunk, she is smiling broadly at the camera - she is breastfeeding her baby, they both wear white.
Text reads 'The Art of Breastfeeding' Online Conference, 14-15 October 2024'

LLLI Online Conference

We are holding an online conference on
14-15 October 2024.
More information and registration here.


Below are links to some
featured breastfeeding
& human milk feeding resources.

Drip Drop Feeding Method Video
Photo of a mother nursing her baby - she is sitting on a rock in a shallow river and looking towards the camera, smiling.

Want to be a
La Leche League Leader?

Leaders are volunteer counselors. They are mothers and parents who have breastfed or chestfed their own babies, and are active in providing support in their communities.

Supporting LLLI

When you support LLLI you make a real difference in the lives of our volunteer LLL Leaders and the families they serve. Thank you!

Photo of a group of parents in a Leche League meeting sitting on the floor smiling, several are nursing their babies. A toddler plays with a truck.