IndyCar 2023

When can IndyCar champion-elect Alex Palou claim his second title?

Alex Palou leads the championship by 101 points from Scott Dixon

Alex Palou - bicampeon - IndyCar - cuentas - matematicas - campeon
�Cu�ndo levantar� Palou su segunda Copa Astor? Podr�a ser muy pronto.Penske Entertainment/Joe Skibinski

With three rounds to go, the question on many minds is when will Alex Palou claim his second NTT IndyCar championship title?

Palou brought his season to life between the GMR Grand Prix at Indianapolis and Toronto when he won four out of six races and finished fourth and second in the other two.

The purple patch earned the Spaniard 296 points, and a massive 117 point lead, that he has maintained since.

Such was his form, rumours of a move to Formula 1 have started although nothing has materialised yet.

Dixon es ahora su principal rival, pero no hay que olvidar a Newgarden.
Dixon es ahora su principal rival, pero no hay que olvidar a Newgarden.Penske Entertainment/James Black

IndyCar points system

So with three rounds to go, when can the Catalan win the crown? Let's look at the scoring system...

IndyCar awards 50 points to the winner on a descending scale that gives 20 points to 10th, and plateaus at 5 points to whoever finishes 25th or below.

The driver who takes pole position earns a bonus point as does whoever manages to lead a lap in the race. The driver who leads the most laps earns two points.

Therefore the maximum points on offer per weekend is 54 and the lowest just 5.

Lo m�s normal es que Palou consiga el t�tulo en Portland, pen�ltima del a�o.
Lo m�s normal es que Palou consiga el t�tulo en Portland, pen�ltima del a�o.Penske Entertainment/Chris Jones

What does Palou need to win?

Palou needs 62 points to claim the title if Scott Dixon collects every single possible point remaining, or 58 points if Josef Newgarden achieves the same feat.

That would mean that Palou would just need to finish 10th twice and then nineth to move beyond the realms of mathematical possibility for his rivals.

It is possible for the crown to be claimed as early as August 27th in Illinois provided that he has a 108 points lead over Dixon and Newgarden.

If the Barcelona-native keeps a 99 point lead over his rivals, then he only needs to start the final two races to take the title.

However, since Newgarden is skilled at oval circuits the fight will lightly roll over to the next race in Portland, Oregon.

If the race does not go to the finale, it will be the first time in 17 seasons of IndyCar that this has not happened and what a way to sign off his potentially last IndyCar campaign that would be.

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