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What time is the July Full Moon more visible and what are the rituals to do during the Buck Moon?

The Buck Moon will take place on Sunday, July 21 at approximately 06:15 ET.

The moon

The Buck Moon is the seventh Full Moon of the 2024 calendar year and will be visible from July 20 through to the early morning of July 21 but when is it most visible for those looking to fulfil spiritual and religious meanings associated with the event?

The Buck Moon is celebrated in Native American tribes as a symbol of transformation and evolution, and it gets its name from this being the time of the year that young buck deer will grow their antlers for the mating season.

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So the association offers spiritual meaning to astrologists, religious and indigenous cultures, and many more subcultures so when is the moon going to be most visible? The Buck Moon will become 'full' at 06:17 ET on Sunday, July 21 but the best chance to observe it is Saturday, July 20.

Due to the horizon and sunlight from our local star, it will be unlikely to see the full moon in all of its glory on July 21 since it will rise low and late. The moon will look most prominent when it appears on the eastern horizon.

To celebrate the event, ensure you connect with nature by collecting rain water and fresh flowers and reflect upon your strengths and successes as a person to find perspective on how much you have grown.

Use the opportunity as a chance to rebirth your focus for the year by setting new goals under the moonlight or candle light and meditate to find clarification on what matters most to you within your heart.

What is the traditional meaning of the Buck Moon?

The Buck Moon, which occurs in July, holds spiritual significance in various traditions. Spiritually, it symbolizes growth, strength, and transformation, as it coincides with the time when male deer grow new antlers.

This moon is seen as a period for setting intentions and nurturing personal development. It encourages individuals to harness their inner strength, pursue new opportunities, and embrace change.

The Buck Moon also signifies a time for reflection, grounding, and connecting with nature, promoting balance and renewal. Overall, it embodies the themes of regeneration and the potential for new beginnings.

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