Date Signed: 8/17/2024 | MARADMINS Number: 377/24
MARADMINS : 377/24

R 151807Z AUG 24
COMM (703) 432-4684 /EMAIL:  [email protected]//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  Situation.  President, Marine Corps University 
(MCU), as executive agent for the Commandant of the Marine Corps, 
conducts commanders and Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) 
programs along with a workshop for command team spouses.  A CSEL is 
defined as a Sergeant Major who works for an O4, O5, or O6 board-
selected and slated commander.  Attendance is mandatory for 
commanders and CSEL either prior to or shortly after arriving at 
their new command.  Attendance for spouses, while not required, is 
2.  Mission.  MCU conducts Cornerstone at Marine Corps University 
campus onboard Marine Corps Base (MCB) Quantico, VA to prepare 
board-selected commanders, CSEL, and their respective spouses for 
the challenges of command.
3.  Execution
3.A.  Commander’s Intent
3.A.1.  Purpose.  To inform board-selected commanding officers, 
command-equivalents, CSELs, and their spouses, of the programs and 
practices that contribute to a successful command tour, as well as 
receive information briefs from senior Marine Corps leaders about 
the state of the Marine Corps and status of major policy 
3.A.2.  Method.  The program will address the demands and challenges
of command, furnish opportunities to focus on communities of 
interest, provide time for mentoring and cross talk, and encourage
the cohort to take advantage of networking events to establish 
supportive relationships that will be valuable during command.
The program will emphasize the art and science of command with 
leadership, critical thinking, and unit readiness providing the 
basic foundations for instruction.  The curriculum maximizes the use
of small-group guided discussions with current and former commanders,
CSEL, and their spouses to permit a frank exchange of observations,
ideas, and methods.
3.A.3.  End State.  Command team members are aware of the tools, 
resources, best practices, and connections to further prepare them 
to meet the unique challenges of command. 
3.B.  Concept of Operations.  Cornerstone is a two-week program, 
involving combined education opportunities for board-selected 
commanding officers, command equivalents, and CSEL.  The Spouses 
Workshop runs concurrently during the second week.  Spouses receive
combined education with their Marines and spouse-specific curriculum. 
3.B.1.  Course Dates:
Course          Report Date     Convene Date    Grad Date
2025001         20 Oct 24       21 Oct 24       01 Nov 24
2025002         16 Mar 25       17 Mar 25       28 Mar 25
2025003         27 Apr 25       28 Apr 25       09 May 25
Spouses Workshop
Course          Report Date     Convene Date    Grad Date
2025001         27 Oct 24       28 Oct 24       01 Nov 24
2025002         23 Mar 25       24 Mar 25       28 Mar 25
2025003         04 May 25       05 May 25       09 May 25
3.C.  Coordinating Instructions
3.C.1.  Course Attendance.  The following servicemembers are 
directed to attend Cornerstone:  Board-selected commanders, 
including acquisition command equivalents and Recruiting Station 
Commanding Officers (RSCOs); CSEL, and CSEL (selects) selected on 
the FY 2025 promotion board; as well as U.S. Navy equivalents 
identified by Manpower Management Division Officer Assignments.  
Spouses of eligible attendees are authorized to attend the Spouses 
Workshop at government expense.  Attendance is required for 
commanders either prior to or shortly after arriving at their new 
command; attending before assuming command is strongly encouraged. 
For O5 level Sergeants Major, attendance is required within one 
year of their Sergeant Major selection.  For O6 level CSELs, 
attendance is required within one year of being assigned to an O6 
level billet.  
3.C.2.  Registration instructions.  Attendees must register NLT 30 
days prior to their desired course report date.  Attendees will 
complete the registration form at 
https:(slash)(slash)  Once complete,
The Lejeune Leadership Institute (LLI) will register all attendees 
into the Marine Corps Training Information Management System 
(MCTIMS).  LLI will send notifications to attendees once they have 
been registered along with follow-on instructions.
3.C.3.  Reporting Instructions
3.C.3.A.  Cornerstone attendees will check in at the Gray Research 
Center (GRC), MCU between 0700-0800 on the course convening date 
and execute return travel NET 1630 on the course graduation date.
3.C.3.B.  Spouses Workshop attendees will execute travel on their 
respective report date.  Spouses attending the optional Cornerstone 
social on the report date are authorized an additional day of 
travel.  Check in is at the GRC between 0730-0800 on the course 
convening date with the Spouses Workshop coordinators.  Return 
travel NET 1630 on the course graduation date.  Child care is not 
3.C.3.C.  Students are required to bring a Personal Electronic Device
(PED), such as a laptop, tablet, etc.
4.  Administration and Logistics
4.A.1.  Orders.  All attendees shall travel on non-reporting orders. 
Orders are the responsibility of the attendee's parent command. 
Defense Travel System (DTS) orders will suffice.  Government 
billeting is available on a limited basis.  Messing is available 
but is not directed as it is not conducive to the curriculum.
4.A.2.  Minimum clearance is SECRET.  Send clearance info via 
Defense Information System for Security (DISS) through your local 
security manager to Security Management Office (SMO) code: MS3302. 
POC:  Ms. Lisa Nelson.
4.B.  Funding and Travel
4.B.1.  Active Component.  Training and Education Command (TECOM) 
Formal Schools Training Support will fund travel and per diem to 
include lodging, meals, and incidental expenses for active 
component attendees.  Local travel will not be funded.  LLI will 
submit requests for funding to TECOM upon closing of the 
registration period.  Attendees must include their funding letters 
in their travel authorizations.  Individual funding letters can be 
found in MCTIMS, under course code M02L9L0.  TECOM funding will not
open until 30 days prior to the course's start.  LLI cannot provide
customer service for active duty members traveling on TECOM funded
orders.  For travel questions or concerns, please contact the TECOM 
travel helpdesk at [email protected].
4.B.2.  Spouses of Active Component.  Travel, meals, and incidental 
expenses for spouses of active duty attendees are authorized and 
will be funded by MCU.  Spouses will not receive lodging since their
active duty spouse will receive lodging funding from TECOM.  Local 
travel will not be funded.  Active duty Marines must create an 
invitational travel authorization for their spouse under the service
member's DTS profile to properly process travel.  Directions on how 
to properly create and submit spouse authorizations and vouchers 
will be provided via separate correspondence.
4.B.3.  Billeting.  Government billeting is directed.  The 
government lodging facility aboard Quantico is Liversedge Hall, 
(703) 630-4444, and travelers must contact Liversedge Hall to 
inquire about lodging prior to making reservations elsewhere.  If 
Liversedge cannot accommodate your reservation, travelers must 
obtain a Statement of Non-Availability (SNA) prior to making other 
lodging arrangements.  A SNA is required from Liversedge Hall for 
anyone staying in the Crossroads Inn or in any off-base lodging.  
If a SNA is issued, travelers are directed to book commercial 
lodging through DTS.
4.B.4.  Transportation.  Rental vehicles will not be funded by 
TECOM, and travelers must utilize their unit LOA for rental 
4.C.  Reserve Component
4.C.1.  Marine Corps Forces Reserve (MARFORRES) G-3/5 Formal Schools
will fund all Reserve Marines designated to attend the Cornerstone 
Course.  Funding requests are submitted as follows: 
4.C.1.A.  For Selected Marine Corps Reserve and Individual 
Mobilization Augmentee Marine attendees, provide a copy of the MCU 
notification of registration letter or email to the parent 
organizations administration section for action.  Unit 
administrators will use the Marine Reserve Order Writing System to 
generate orders as appropriate.  Funding information as follows: 
Order Type: Schools.  Sub Type:  PME.  If required, select “Other” 
from the drop-down menu, and enter FY 2025 Cornerstone:  Commandant's
Combined Commandership Course.  Program Identifiers (PID):  Career 
Development Training (CDT) Command.  Force Funding Source:  For the 
funding source section, select PID, CDT, Budget Execution Activity, 
Budget Execution Sub-Activity G-3/MR.
4.C.1.B.  For Active Reserve Marine attendees, provide a copy of the
MCU notification of registration letter or email to the parent 
organization’s administration section for action.  Unit 
administrators will ensure the cross organizational worksheet for 
DTS LOA is submitted to the MARFORRES G-3 Training organizational 
mailbox at  MFR_G-3/[email protected].
4.C.1.C.  Spouses of Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR) and 
Active Reserve Marine attendees.
4.C.1.C.1.  MARFORRES G-3/5 Formal Schools will fund all spouses of 
SMCR Marine attendees.
4.C.1.C.2.  Unit administrators will generate the invitational 
travel authorization in DTS/DTSR utilizing MARFORRES G-3 Training 
Line of Accounting per approved cross organizational worksheet.
4.C.2.  Any travel or DTS related questions for Reserve or Active 
Reserve component attendees or spouses of a reserve or Active 
Reserve component attendee, direct all inquiries to 
MFR_G-3/[email protected] or call (504) 697-7302. 
5.  Command and Signal
5.A.  Command Relationships.  President, MCU serves as the on-scene 
5.B.  Signal.  Questions or concerns about this Marine 
Administrative Message can be directed to the MCU point of 
contacts.  Questions regarding E-9 attendance should be directed to 
the 8999 Programs Lead, Marine Corps Senior Enlisted Academy, 
Sergeant Major James Foster, at [email protected] or (571) 
6.  Release authorized by Brigadier General Matthew W. Tracy, 
President, Marine Corps University//