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Solar Energy System Basics

Consult our expert research, company reviews and round-ups to ensure you make an educated decision when it comes to finding the right solar energy solution for your home.

What To Know About Solar Energy Systems

Making the switch to solar can be an intimidating venture. It’s a costly investment with many companies and solar panel options to choose from —  and you want to know that it will pay off. Generally, you should ensure your home is a good candidate for solar power, understand the financials from panel and installation costs to expected energy savings, and find a reputable company to work with.

Read our breakdown of the basics below, then consult our comprehensive library of detailed articles to learn more.

Is Solar Energy Right For You?

From environmentalism to cost savings over time, there are many reasons to go solar. However, there are some drawbacks, too. Here are some of the main reasons why you should or shouldn’t go solar.

Pros of Solar Energy

  • Solar panels raise a home’s value by an average of 4.1%, according to Zillow.
  • You may qualify for tax breaks and incentives, such as solar renewable energy credits, net metering, state tax credits, cash rebates and more, which make going solar more affordable.
  • Solar energy is environmentally friendly because it doesn’t produce air pollutants or carbon dioxide. 

Cons of Solar Energy

  • Standard home solar energy requires a battery to run electricity at night.
  • Not every home can reap maximum solar power generation, depending on the configuration of your roof and the location of your home.
  • Solar panels can be very difficult to install yourself and could void your roof warranty.

Types of Plans and Services

Most solar companies offer solar panel design and installation, battery backup, solar panel warranties and multiple payment options. If you decide to have solar panels installed on your home, most providers follow a similar process to assess your home, design a system and install it on your roof. Here’s what to expect:

  • Home consultation: A solar installation company will visit your house and review your roof configuration to ensure the home can accommodate solar panels.
  • Financing choice: Homeowners typically can choose from a loan, lease, or power purchase agreement (PPA).
  • Site survey: After selecting a certified solar installation company and signing a contract, an engineer representing the company will visit your home to review the home’s current electrical system.
  • Installation: The engineer will design a home solar system after the site survey. Following this, the installation will take place over several days.

Factors To Consider Before Purchasing a Service or Plan

Before signing a contract, it’s important to speak with a solar installation company representative to ensure it’s the right plan or service for you. Consider asking about your:

  • Roof location and configuration: Your roof’s orientation and pitch, as well as nearby obstacles, affect how much sunlight it receives per day.
  • Current electricity usage: Are your energy bills currently high enough to offset the cost of installing solar panels on your home?
  • Choice of solar panels: More modern panels are highly efficient but typically more expensive than older models.
  • Solar incentives: In addition to the 30% federal tax credit applied to solar installation, specific states and municipalities offer their own incentives to help solar energy become more affordable.

To learn more, read our guide to the best solar companies.

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