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What is Service and Support Administration?

Our Service and Support Administration (SSA) Department helps individuals and their families identify and receive the services they need for a safe and healthy lifestyle. They work closely with other agencies and organizations that provide services to make sure needs are being met.

When a person applies and becomes Board eligible, they are assigned an SSA. Together, they begin the process of identifying their needs. Then, they develop an Individualized Service Plan (ISP) to meet those needs. SSAs often help families with the many questions they have about what services are available and how to access those services. An SSA may also be known as a case manager.

SSAs work with individuals and families in the following areas:

  • Identifying needs, concerns, and goals of individuals and/or families
  • Developing a customized ISP
  • Monitoring the progress of the ISP to ensure services are effective and maintain the individual’s health and safety
  • Providing options for service providers and community resources
  • Assisting with residential needs
  • Family and Support Services
  • Transition planning (ages 14-22) for moving from school into adulthood
  • Providing referrals in areas such as Social Security, guardianship, Medicaid, waiting lists, etc.

SSA Handbook

Life Map Guide

If you feel at any time that the decisions made about your services are not in your best interest, you have the right use our due process procedure to resolve or appeal those decisions.

Due Process Information

Free Choice of Provider

One important thing your SSA can help you with is choosing a service provider. Your SSA can guide you through the number of service options available in Medina County. However, SSAs are not able to suggest one provider over another. YOU are the ultimate and final decision maker.

Free Choice PDF

Find A Provider

Contact an SSA

SSA Office
330-725-7751 option 2
[email protected]

After-Hours Emergency Hotline
330-725-7751 option 4

SSA Staff Directory

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