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The Medina County Board of Developmental Disabilities fully understands the strain agency closings place on individuals and families. We want to remain open whenever possible, while also protecting the health and safety of those we serve.

Children’s Services – Inclement Weather Guidelines

General Agency – Inclement Weather Guidelines

NOTE: Windfall School and the Medina County Board of DD are treated as two separate entities with regard to inclement weather and closings.


Any information about agency closures, emergencies or other important information and announcements will be made through the following methods:

  • Phone Alert System – To sign-up to receive alerts, or be removed from the list, call the MCBDD Operations Director at 330-725-7751 ext. 255 or email [email protected] with the name and phone number you wish to have added or removed.
  • Social MediaFacebook
  • E-news Emails – To sign up for this service, use the form at the bottom of this page, or click here.
  • Local Television Stations
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