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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions postdoctoral fellowships

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) postdoctoral fellowship offers talented researchers to build their research career through international mobility.

Unique career opportunities

We invite early career researchers outside of Norway to apply with the University of Oslo (UiO), Oslo University Hospital (OUS) or Akershus University Hospital (AHUS) as hosts. For applicants interested in moving to Oslo, we have world-class research groups within medicine and health sciences.

For internal applicants, the grant offers an opportunity to stay at a leading research institution in the USA, Canada, or other non-European countries.

Master class and support

The University of Oslo will arrange a master class on 27 - 29 May for the 2024 call. The masterclass comprises a grant application course, inspirational talks, and practical information for applicants. Register for the masterclass on this page.

UiO and the Faculty of Medicine also offer other support for applicants and supervisors, including proposal reviews, administrative support and guidance, and one-to-one meetings.

The support schedule for 2024 is presented in our internal funding opportunity announcement.

Two kinds of fellowships 

The postdoctoral fellowship encompasses two different fellowships. Both include mandatory mobility to another country than the current country of residency.

European fellowship

  • Duration 12-24 months
  • Can not have resided in Norway for more than 12 months in the last 3 years.

We will only support external applicants who already have established a connection or professional relationship with a supervisor at the Faculty of Medicine UiO, OUS, or AHUS. The supervisor must support the proposal.

Global fellowship

  • Duration 12-24+12 months
  • Can not have resided in the country of the partner organization where the outgoing phase takes place for more than 12 months in the three years
  • Norwegians or long-term residents of Norway are eligible to apply.

Applicant eligibility and requirements 

To qualify as an applicant, candidates must have completed their PhD at the call deadline. Furthermore, applicants cannot have more than 8 years of research after their PhD. Various opportunities to extend the eligibility window exist such as parental leave, long-term sick leave and unemployment.

EU has also imposed resubmission restrictions, implying that if you submitted and scored below 70 % for last year's call, you cannot apply this year.

Contact and further information

We invite applicants and supervisors to contact [email protected] to learn more about the program and the support provided.

Additional information is also available on the MSCA PF program website.



Published Feb. 10, 2022 4:54 PM - Last modified May 8, 2024 4:24 PM