Nettsider med emneord «NSSF»

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Publisert 3. apr. 2023 14:37

Aleksandra Eriksen Isham er tildelt en toårig postdoktorstilling gjennom EUs program Marie Sklodowska Curie-Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships. Hun skal forske på sårbarhetsfaktorer for utvikling av Borderline personlighetsforstyrrelse (BPD) ved NSSF.

Image may contain: Computer, Table, Personal computer, Furniture, Computer keyboard.
Publisert 30. mars 2023 12:44

In the EU project PERMANENS, the aim is to develop software that will help clinicians to prevent suicide when working with patients.

Bilde av professor Ping Qin på kontoret sitt
Publisert 30. mars 2023 12:34

I EU-prosjektet PERMANENS er målet å utvikle en programvare som skal hjelpe klinikere til å forebygge selvmord i arbeid med pasienter.

close-up, girl, forest
Publisert 3. aug. 2017 11:20

Prolonged grief affects 7 percent of people who have lost a significant other. The prevalence is much higher among parents who have lost a child, as well as when the cause of death is sudden and violent. There is insufficient knowledge about and capacity for practicing treatment tailored to prolonged grief conditions. For one, this is a problem for the many people bereaved by suicide.

NSSF offers PGDT training as part of the work to improve the forms of treatment available to the bereaved experiencing prolonged grief.