Joe Rogan Admits There Was No Proof Behind His Story About an Angry Parent Forcing Her Daughter’s School to Install a Litter Box


Joe Rogan says the story he told to Tulsi Gabbard about public schools allowing students to use kitty litter boxes in the bathroom, had no proof behind it.

Early last month, Rogan made headlines when he interviewed former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard and discussed a bizarre incident he claimed happened to his friend’s wife who is a public school teacher.

“My friend, his wife is a school teacher and she works at a school that had to install a litter box in the girls room because there is a girl who’s a furry,” Rogan said.

“Her mother badgered the school until they agreed to put a litter box in one of the stalls. So this girl goes into the litter room or to the girl’s room and urinates or whatever,” he added.

On last Wednesday’s edition of The Joe Rogan Experience, Rogan addressed the story with author Michael Shermer.

A clip from the episode circulated via Reddit user u/Otherwise-Fox-2482 and showed Shermer discussing how the story Rogan told about the kitty litter boxes went viral.

It “got spread around as a meme cause it kind of fit the conservative view of, you know, liberals and their confusion about gender and sex,” Shermer said.

“The kitty litter boxes is a weird one,” Rogan said.

“It’s like an urban legend,” Shermer proclaimed.

“I fed into that and let me — I should probably clarify that a bit. I have a friend and my friend’s wife is a school teacher and she told him that there was discussions in the school that a mother wanted to put a litter box in one of the bathrooms,” Rogan began.

“And he told me this and I talked about it on here and then people were saying, ‘That’s not true, it’s an internet rumor.’ So I contacted him again and I said, ‘Tell me exactly what she said and contact her and find out.’ She no longer works for that school. She works for another school. She contacted the other school. She didn’t get a response,” Rogan added.

“I don’t think they actually did it. I think there was discussions about doing it because there was one particularly wacky mother, but there is — it doesn’t seem that there’s any proof that they put a litter box in there,” he clarified.

Rogan went on to detail that he was willing to entertain the story because, 10 years prior, he had stumbled upon a furry convention in Pittsburgh while in town for a UFC event and heard of a similar situation.

“So we check into the hotel, the hotel — the guy was working, the front desk was saying how crazy it was that these folks were asking for their food to be delivered in bowls on the ground so they could eat it like animals,” Rogan said.

“And I’m like, ‘That it’s crazy.’ And then he said they asked for a litter box in the lobby. Now they didn’t put a litter box into the lobby, but someone, according to this man asked him for a litter box. ‘I’m like, that is crazy,'” he added.

Listen above via The Joe Rogan Experience.

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