Ronny Jackson Demands Biden Get Tested for ‘Performance-Enhancing Drugs’ Before and After Debate


Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) is demanding that President Joe Biden take drug tests before and after this week’s debate to detect the presence of any unusual substances.

Jackson, a former White House physician, suggested Biden will take “performance-enhancing drugs” ahead of his debate on Thursday with former President Donald Trump. Republicans have long cast Biden as old and doddering, if not senile, but the allies of the former president are now concerned they’ve set expectations too low for Biden. When the president has performed capably in the past – as he did at the State of the Union – conservatives have suggested Biden was “jacked up” on something. Meanwhile, Trump has suggested Biden will do cocaine before the debate.

Jackson appeared on Sunday Morning Futures on Fox News, where he said he is sending a letter to the White House demanding Biden pee in a cup.

“It’s embarrassing that I have to do this, and it’s really embarrassing as a former White House physician to have to do something like this, but we don’t have any choice based on what’s going on,” Jackson said. “But I’m gonna be demanding on behalf of many millions of concerned Americans right now that he submit to a drug test before and after this debate, specifically looking for performance-enhancing drugs.”

Jackson said that in the State of the Union address, Biden was “not similar at all to what we see on a day-to-day basis for the last three and a half years. And there’s surely no way to explain that other than he was on something, that they’d given him medication.”

The congressman went on to speculate that Biden’s debate preparation involves his team “getting the doses just right.”

Jackson is an ardent supporter of Trump, who recently shouted out the former White House physician at a rally – sort of.

“Doc Ronny Johnson,” Trump said, misnaming his ally. “Does everyone know Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas? He was the White House doctor, and he said I was the healthiest president, he feels, in history, so I liked him very much indeed immediately.”

A Pentagon review of the military-run White House Medical Unit found that under Johnson’s leadership, doctors prescribed controlled substances to ineligible aides in violation of federal law.

Watch above via Fox News.

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Mike is a Mediaite senior editor who covers the news in primetime.