Internal Audit Responsibilities

MediaTek has an independent Internal Audit Division that reports directly to the Board of Directors. It aims to assist the Company to achieve its objective by reviewing the adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency of the internal control system.

Regular internal audit works are executed according to the annual audit plan approved by the Board of Directors. The plan is based on the risk assessment result. Special audit works or reviews are conducted as need basis. Deficiencies identified in the internal control system and recommendations for improvements in the audit reports are regularly submitted to, and reviewed by, the Board of Directors. Any significant deviation from the approved audit plan will also communicate to senior management and the Board of Directors through the periodic activity reports.

The Internal Audit Division also examines the annual internal control self-assessment process and results from departments and subsidiaries. The consolidated self-assessment result is provided for the Board of Directors to evaluate the overall efficiency of existing internal control systems before generating an internal control statement.

Business Conduct Violation Reporting

Mediatek provides the following channels for business conduct violation reporting. Information included in such report and personal information provided by the reporting party shall be kept confidential by Mediatek subject to applicable laws.

Report by phone: (886)-3-6030011, Mediatek chief of internal audit executive (CAE)

Report by email: [email protected] (automatically forwarded to Mediatek CAE)

Report by letter: No.1 dusing 1st Rd., Hsinchu City (Attention Mediatek CAE)