Medscape Network Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy describes how WebMD LLC and its affiliates (“WebMD,” “we,” “us” and “our”) and our partners use cookies and other tracking technologies (referred to collectively as “Cookie Technologies”) to collect information about your use of our websites, mobile applications and other resources intended for use by healthcare professionals, which we refer to as the “Medscape Network,” including the information and services made available to users of the Medscape Network (collectively, the “Services”).

Cookie Technologies used in connection with your use of the Services will generally fall within one of the following categories:

  1. Necessary functionality: These Cookie Technologies are essential to enable you to navigate the Medscape Network properties and access the Services in a safe and secure manner.

  2. Important functionality: These Cookie Technologies help us authenticate registered members, remember your profession, specialty, preferences and content interests so that we can provide an enhanced and more personalized user experience.

  3. Performance and Analytics: These Cookie Technologies provide data on how the Services are functioning to help us improve the performance of the Services and the user experience.

  4. Advertising/Marketing Services: These Cookie Technologies enable us and our advertising partners to deliver advertisements within the Medscape Network and on third party sites that are more relevant to you and your interests based on your member registration information, content browsing activity, use of the Services and in some cases, other information about you that we or our advertisers have obtained from other sources. Cookie Technologies may be used to limit the number of times you see a particular advertisement and to measure of the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

We and our partners may use Cookie Technologies to recognize individual users when they access the Medscape Network and the Services (including across devices), remember user preferences, keep track of users’ access to and use of the Services, track whether our emails opened and whether links are clicked, ensure that the Services are functioning properly, analyze trends and to personalize the Services, including advertising within the Medscape Network and on third party websites, so that they are relevant to individual user’s interests which may be inferred based on profession, specialty, location, prior activity within the Medscape Network, use of the Services and also other information that we or our partners may have about our users.

When you use the Services, we and our partners may collect information about your device including the IP address (which provides non-precise information, e.g., city or zip code level, about the approximate physical location of the device), unique device identifier (which is different than the device’s serial number), cookie information, advertising ID (which is a unique, user-resettable identification number for advertising associated with a mobile device), browser information (including referring URL), operating system, mobile carrier, device settings and App version and usage information, all of which we may associate with information about your use of the Services. When enabled by you, we collect precise location information provided by your mobile device, which you may disable through the device settings. If you are a member of the Medscape Network, we may elect to associate the information collected by Cookie Technologies with your registration information and other information collected about you as described in the Medscape Privacy Policy.

We may personalize the Services, including the advertising you see within the Medscape Network, on third party websites and in our email communications, based on your registration information, information collected about your use of the Services and information we receive from third party sources. For example, a user who WebMD believes is a cardiologist or who has browsed cardiology content with the Medscape Network may be served an advertisement promoting a particular cardiac product within the Medscape Network, on third party websites and/or within an email that a user who WebMD believes is a neurologist or has not browsed cardiology content will not see. We partner with third parties to manage and conduct our advertising activities including advertising on third party websites. These third parties may use Cookie Technologies to deliver this advertising based on your activities and interests as inferred from your use of the Services and other information they have about you. Two of the third parties that WebMD works with are Google and Facebook. In addition to using the information it collects performing services for WebMD, Google may also use such information as described in its privacy policy. To see how Google may use information collected through our use of the Google services on the Medscape Network visit While Facebook does not provide any personal information to WebMD, Facebook may use information that it has about you and that it collects performing services for WebMD (which may be associated with personal information that Facebook has about you) as described in its privacy policy available at Also, advertisers may use their own Cookie Technologies in the advertisements served to you through the Services.

Your Choices

Most browser software can be set to reject all cookies, including third party cookies, however, if you choose to reject our cookies, your ability to access and use the Services will be limited. Typically the cookie settings are within the “options” or “preferences” menu in your browser. The links below provide information about cookie settings for some commonly used browsers:

You can opt-out of interest-based advertising on the Sites by rejecting cookies and through preferences manager or, if you are located in the European Union (EU), you may also opt-out here. Please note that even if you reject cookies and opt-out of interest-based advertising, you will continue to receive generic advertisements through the Services. Note that the Sites do not respond to web browser “do not track” signals. You can learn more about managing your preferences for ads online, particularly for many third-party advertising networks, through resources made available by the Digital Advertising Alliance at or the Network Advertising Initiative at Note that if you delete cookies, use a different device, or change web browsers, you may need to opt out again.

You may control interest-based advertising on your mobile device by enabling the “Limit Ad Tracking” setting in your iOS device’s settings or “Opt out of Ads Personalization” in your Android device’s settings. This will not prevent you from seeing advertisements, but will limit the use of device advertising identifiers to personalize ads based on your interests. You also may disable the transmission of precise location information through your device settings.

Please refer to the Medscape Privacy Policy to learn how you can contact us for more information.

We reserve the right to change this Cookie Policy at any time and any changes will be effective upon posting unless we advise otherwise. If we make any material changes to this Cookie Policy we will notify you by email (sent to the email address included in your account profile) and/or by means of a notice on our websites before the change becoming effective. We encourage you to periodically review this Cookie Policy for current information about our use of cookies and other tracking technologies.

Last Updated on May 13, 2019