Disclaimer: Although this article is about beans, it will contain no fart jokes. Sorry.

Beans, at face value, are difficult to get excited about. They don't have the Instagram appeal of avocados or the popularity of kale or, quite frankly, even the inherent deliciousness of a lowly banana.

But then you start to think about beans a little more. You start to think about chili. You start to think about black bean and fresh corn salsa. You start to think about smooth, creamy hummus and **Homer Simpson drool voice**.

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And then there are the health benefits of beans.

Beans, in general, are high in fiber, which is critical for maintaining a healthy weight, a hardworking heart, and a good daily constitution (this is not a fart joke).

Asian street seller

Beans, in general, are also a good source of protein. A cup of beans isn't as high in protein as, say, a cup of canned wild-caught sockeye salmon, but still.

So, you can see that if you're really thinking about beans, they are delicious and can be exciting. Especially these six beans, which are considered some of the healthiest.

1. Chickpeas (a.k.a Garbanzo Beans)

Healthy vegan meal background with fresh herbs and vegetables

A cup of canned chickpeas provides 18 grams of protein, including every amino acid necessary for muscle growth, says Rebecca Scritchfield, R.D., a dietitian in Washington, D.C. In other words, hummus can make you huge. (Just don’t neglect the gym.)

What's more, researchers in Canada found that people who regularly consume chickpeas have healthier cholesterol levels than those who don't. Credit a high dose of soluble fiber, the kind that sucks up water, forming a gel in your intestines that blocks cholesterol. Soluble fiber may also fuel gut probiotics, the healthy bacteria that promote digestion, protect your colon, and give your immunity a boost.

Plus, chickpeas are versatile. “You can add chickpeas to anything you’re making,” Scritchfield says. “They’ll take on flavor of whatever seasoning you’re using.”

Just rinse chickpeas, drain them, and toss into any salad, soup, or stew. You can also roast them in the oven and keep them on hand for a crunchy snack.

2. Kidney Beans

Bean grains in hand
Igor Alecsander

These beans are an excellent source of thiamin and riboflavin, which help your body use energy efficiently. Plus, they contain 14 grams of cholesterol-fighting fiber per cup. Throw them into chili or a salad, or whip up some Southern-style beans and rice.

3. Edamame

They're soybeans. SHOCKER

Don’t worry, soy won’t give you man boobs.

In fact, your diet may benefit from the addition of some non-processed soy. Think: edamame or tofu. It’s a great source of complete protein, fiber, and iron.

4. Black Beans

These nutritional dark horses are high in protein, but also a great source of fiber and iron. They're great in a simple salsa for chip-dipping. Just stir a can (rinsed and drained) with the juice of 1/2 lime, some chopped cilantro, some minced red onion, salt, pepper, and ground cumin.

5. Peas

Farm worker tending to Pole Beans on trellis
Ron Levine

They're legumes, which are technically beans, but let's not get into all that.

Peas are small, but mighty. Try them sauteed in butter and finished with fresh thyme and flaky sea salt as a simple side dish. Just don't overcook them. They should be a bright green, not a dull green, so that they preserve their natural sweetness. One cup contains 8 grams of protein.

6. Coffee!

Coffee beans are beans. And brewed coffee is extremely high in disease-fighting antioxidants. Load up!