Whether your gym is uber luxe or stripped back to basics, there's one thing we can guarantee: somewhere there will be a bench with a barbell. That's because when it comes to building upper-body strength there are few moves that do it as effectively, as simply or as tried-and-testedly as the barbell bench press.

Given its versatility and convenience it's likely that the barbell bench press already plays a starring role in your weekly gym sessions, but if you're interested in going from lifting puny weights to real steel or if your training's plateaued and you're wondering whether there's a point to benching, then we may be able to help.

Think the bench press is a dated exercise? Think again. Researchers writing in Sports Medicine state the bench press is one of the primary exercises to strengthen the musculature of the upper body and can result in significant chest, shoulder and arms gains. It's also excellent for both building strength and muscle hypertrophy (bigger muscles). With the bench press there's no need to choose between making your body an instrument or an ornament – it can be both.

Put it this way, we value the bench press here at Men's Health UK and we won't have a bad word said against it, which is why we've sought some outside help. Meet Dan Magee, trainer at top London gym The Foundry, powerlifter, and current Commonwealth Bench Championship gold medal winner. To put those words into context, Dan weighs 80kg and can bench 162.5kg. If there's anyone who can speak with authority on the topic of the bench press and how to press more, it's this guy.

So, if you want to nail the bench press form, bench more, and understand why it should play an integral role in your workout routine, read on.

Muscles Worked by the Bench Press

As mentioned, the bench press is a serious bang for your buck compound move. Here are the muscles worked. If you know what muscles are working and can actively think of them when doing the exercise, you'll focus more on what needs to be turned on, which will help you with the movement.

digital illustration of muscles of the human torso, anterior view
Alan Gesek/Stocktrek Images//Getty Images
  • Chest: Pectoralis major and minor - The chest muscles are the primary movers during the chess press. The pec muscles are the large muscles located on the front of the chest and different parts of them can be targeted depending on the bench angle.
  • Shoulders: Anterior deltoid - The muscle located at the front of shoulder is also worked by the bench press. To target the shoulders more, a higher bench angle can be used.
  • Arms: Triceps brachii and biceps brachii - The triceps and biceps help power the bench press movement.
  • Serratus anterior: The serratus anterior is located below to armpits, at the side of the ribs next to the chest and helps support the movement.
  • Core: Comprising of the transverse abdominis, multifidus, internal and external obliques and erector spinae, your core muscles will work hard to stabilise the trunk during the bench press.
bench press
GoodLifeStudio//Getty Images

How to Set up for the Bench Press

We understand that most of you will have been benching since you first walked into a gym, but everyone can do with brushing up their technique from time to time, right? So to make sure you're benching like a pro, we got Magee to explain his exact bench press form the moment he lays eyes on a bench until he re-racks the barbell. This is how to bench press like a pro.

Find the Right Bench

Before you even think about lifting a weight, the first thing you need to do is find the right bench to lift on. As Magee explains: 'The wider the bench the safer it is for your shoulders. What you don't want is your shoulders hanging off the bench because your shoulders aren't protected, so I'd always try and find as wide a bench as possible.'

Work Out the Correct Position on the Bench

Once you've found a bench that's as wide as possible you also need to work out where to rack the bar. Too low and you're going to end up benching the bar before you've brought it down to your chest. To avoid this, Magee advises using his technique to work out where to set the bar. 'The first thing I'll do is lay down on the bench and then I'll get a rough idea of the bar height I want,' says Magee. 'So, it'll be just below if I was to fully straighten my arms. The reason I do that is when I unrack the weight I don't have to press the weight away from me, I can just lift it off the rack and I'll have my upper back set on the bench.'

How to Bench Press with Perfect Form

barbell bench press

Now you're in the right position and on the right bench, it's time to start lifting with perfect bench press form. Here's how:

  1. Lie back on a flat bench holding a barbell in the rack above you with a shoulder-width, overhand grip.
  2. Drive your feet into the floor to contract your quads and glutes, and clamp back your shoulder blades to shorten the weight's path of travel. This increases neural drive to your chest, delts and triceps.
  3. From the starting position, breathe in and lower the bar slowly until it skims the middle of your chest.
  4. Focus your mind on activating your chest muscles and push the bar back to the starting position explosively as you breathe out. That’s one rep.

Bench Press Technique Tips

Still thirsty for pressing tips? We asked Magee to explain the finer details of the bench press, from where your foot should be placed to what position your back should be in. Here's Magee's secrets to getting the most from your bench press form.

Bench Press Tip: Hand Position

Think benching is just as simple as grabbing a bar and pushing away from you? Think again. Grab the bar in the wrong place and you're putting yourself at a disadvantage right from the off. Luckily, Magee has a little technique to make sure you pick up the bar in the right place every time.

'When you're putting your hands on the bar, a lot of people will put the bar across the bottom of their fingertips right at the top of the palm. And what I try and get people to do is place the bar just above the thumb,' said Magee. 'That's where I get it to sit because then when you unrack the bar, your palm is loaded.'

Bench Press Tip: Head Placement

'You want your head to be flat on the bench, you don't want it hanging off. Just keep your head flat on the bench, and by doing that you're not going to stress your spine,' says Magee.

You want to get your feet into a position that's going to allow you to generate power from your legs

Bench Press Tip: Foot Placement

Should you be on your toes or on your heels? According to Magee, your feet should be positioned wherever they feel most comfortable. 'You want to get your feet into a position that's going to allow you to generate power from your legs to your upper back,' says Magee. 'There's people I coach that bench on their toes and there's people I coach that bench with flat feet. There's no there's no right or wrong, it's what puts you in the most comfortable position to lift the most weight.'

Bench Press Tip: Breathing

'Imagine you've got a straw in your mouth and you want to suck all the air through a straw, and then fill your diaphragm up,' says Magee. 'A coke can when full is impossible to crush. Take all the coke out and you can crush it easily. Try to imagine your stomach as a can of coke, you fill it with all the air, and you create this tightness...

'Then I'll take the bar off and release the breath. And then I'll take a deep breath in again and I'll do the rep and then I'll hold that breath until I complete the rep.'

Bench Press Tip: Support Gear

'I use a belt for bracing because it helps me to get tighter and fill my diaphragm more,' says Magee. 'I'll use wrist wraps for wrist support, which allows me to get the bar to fit into a more optimal position over my elbow. Some people don't need them, but I'm someone who likes to lift with with my wrist wraps.'

Bench Press Tip: Does the Bar Need to Touch Your Chest?

'I always coach people to have the bar touch the chest because you want a full range of motion,' says Magee. 'Only when I'm isolating weak areas will I change that. So you could do a spoto press where you would pause two inches above the chest and then press again. And that would teach you to have full control of the barbell, but ordinarily I would always encourage full range of motion bar to the chest.'

Should You Bench Press with an Arched Back?

According to a study published in The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research which compared the flat back and arched back bench press, both techniques have their advantages depending on training goals. The study found:

  • The arched back technique allows for a greater 1RM, likely due to the reduced range of movement, making it suitable for situations where lifting heavier loads is the primary goal like powerlifting.
  • The flat back technique showed higher barbell velocity at lighter loads, which may be beneficial for improving explosive strength.
  • Both techniques caused similar muscle activation of the pec muscles, while the arched back technique showed a trend for greater triceps activation.

The study suggests that incorporating both flat back and arched back bench press techniques into programming can provide a well rounded approach to developing upper body strength and power. Other evidence suggests that athletes who enter into powerlifting competitions may arch their back more in order to achieve higher numbers.

    To get the best of both worlds — increased range of motion for hypertrophy and power development for strength gains — you could arch the back a little, while keeping the trunk locked and stable and getting a big as possible stretch across the pecs with the elbows nice and low. This can also help reduce the pressure on the shoulder joints. Overall, choose the technique that feels right for your body, that you get the best results from, in line with your training goals.

    14 of the Best Weightlifting Belts to Buy in 2023
    Bulldog Gear - Weightlifting Belt

    Is the Dumbbell Bench Press As Effective?

    When we talk about benching, we're often referring to the barbell bench press. But spare a thought for the dumbbell bench press.

    While you're not going to be able to lift as much weight with dumbbells as you can with a barbell, that doesn't that mean you won't build as much muscle. According to a study published in the Journal of Sports Sciences, the dumbbell bench press resulted in similar muscle activity in the pecs, delts, triceps and biceps when compared with men who used a barbell to bench.

    Dumbbells also require a lot more effort to keep them stable, which will help strengthen the stabilising muscles and improve your upper-body strength as a whole.

    5 Best Bench Press Workouts

    preview for 20-Minute Chest & Back Workout (Dumbbell Only) Follow Along | Men's Health UK

    Now you know how to perform the bench press with perfect form, here are some workouts to get a pec pump to rival Arnie's:

    1. Use This Triple-Angle Bench Press Workout For The Ultimate Chest Pump in Under 25 Minutes
    2. How to Use The 5/3/1 Powerlifting Method for Massive Lifts and Huge Strength Gains
    3. Jason Fox’s Upper-Body Pump and Sweat Session Ensures Stronger Lungs and Bigger Guns
    4. The Boring but Big Method: The Ultimate Full Body Barbell Workout Plan for Size and Strength
    5. Find It Difficult to Pack on Size? This Muscle-Building Workout Plan Builds Mass and Muscle

      Bench Press Progressions

      Build up Your Strength with Press-Ups

      If the thought of lifting an Olympic barbell, which before it's loaded weighs 20kg, sounds daunting then perhaps you need to take a step back and work on your strength first. The easiest way to get strong enough to bench is by getting down and doing press-ups first, which will build strength and introduce you to the movement patterns you'll need later on.

      press up, arm, abdomen, joint, physical fitness, chest, muscle, trunk, shoulder, human body,
      • Set up with your weight supported on your toes and hands beneath your shoulders, body straight.
      • Take care to keep you core locked so a straight line forms between your head, glutes and heels.
      • Lower your body so that your elbows are 45 degrees below your shoulders and your chest is an inch from the ground.
      • Explosively drive up by fully extending your arms.

      The press-up is perfect for beginners because it requires no equipment and is both simple and super effective. Five sets of 10 every other morning before work will soon put some power in your pecs.

      Bench Press Form

      Now you've progressed to working with a bar, remember it’s fine to start off with a very light weight or just the bar. Good habits today will pay dividends down the road.

      exercise equipment, barbell, weight training, free weight bar, physical fitness, arm, leg, bench, weights, strength training,pinterest

        Add More Weight

        Now you’re proficient with the bar, it's time to take up the difficulty. You can start by loading your barbell with a weight you can lift for 10 or 12 reps.

        Bench Press Variations

        Now you’ve got a clear goal in mind when you lie down in the gym, it’s time to mix it up. These three bench-press variants will hit different parts of your body. For example, an inclined bench will hit your biceps more and a narrow grip will mean your biceps get less of a workout, according to research published in the Journal of Human Kinetics.

        Remember to take some weight off: if this is your first time with these variations, you'll want to lift light in order to nail your form.

        Incline Bench Press

        incline barbell bench press
        • Lie back on a bench set to an incline angle and lift a barbell to shoulder height, palms facing away from you.
        • Breathe out as you press up with both arms. Lock out your arms and squeeze your chest before returning slowly to the start position.

        Why? You’re hitting the upper part of your pectoral that’s often neglected during the flat bench press, ensuring a stronger body and a perfectly-sculpted pec. Great news when you're toting a v-necked tee.

        Wide-Grip Bench Press

        Exercise equipment, Weights, Barbell, Weight training, Physical fitness, Free weight bar, Strength training, Shoulder, Arm, Gym, pinterest
        • Lie back on a flat bench holding a barbell with an overhand grip, hands set wider than your shoulders. From the starting position, breathe in and lower the bar slowly.
        • Push the bar back to the starting position explosively as you breathe out. Focus on pushing the bar using your chest muscles.

        Why? A wider grip incorporates more muscles in the exercise, leading to a greater engagement of your pecs, shoulders and abs. Are your weak shoulders and upper-back muscles causing your bench press to wobble? Try supplementing your bench with bent-over rows and lat pull-downs.

        Close-Grip Bench Press

        arm workouts
        • Lie back on a flat bench holding a barbell with a narrow, overhand grip. From the starting position, breathe in and lower the bar slowly until it skims the middle of your chest.
        • Push the bar back to the starting position explosively as you breathe out. Focus on pushing the bar using your chest muscles.

        Why? Forget your chest – this tough variation shifts all the emphasis over to your tris, making this an essential arm-builder.

        arm, human leg, chin, elbow, shoulder, physical fitness, chest, wrist, barbell, joint,

        Incline Vs Flat Bench Press, Which Is Best?

        When it comes to making the decision between incline vs flat bench press, the answer is largely going to depend on your training goals. Both incline and flat bench press work your chest, shoulders and triceps, however, you can position the bench to target some muscles more than others. The incline vs flat bench press differences are:

        • The bench angle. For the incline bench press, the angle is usually 30-45 degrees, the flat bench press is, of course, flat.
        • The incline bench press targets your front deltoids (anterior deltoids) and upper pecs (clavicular head) more, whereas the flat bench targets the entirety of the pec muscles.
        • The flat bench press tends to allow you to lift more, due to more of the pec muscles being recruited.

        Daniel is Men’s Health UK’s deputy digital editor. He’s a writer and editor with a decade’s worth of experience covering health, fitness, tech and sports. In his time at Men’s Health, he’s written about everything from Black men's mental health to The Rock's cheat days and has logged training time with NFL footballers, Olympic gymnasts and the British Army. In his spare time he enjoys fitness of all kinds, from deadlifts to long runs, and is always on the lookout for his next challenge.

        Headshot of Kate Neudecker

        Kate is a fitness writer for Men’s Health UK where she contributes regular workouts, training tips and nutrition guides. She has a post graduate diploma in Sports Performance Nutrition and before joining Men’s Health she was a nutritionist, fitness writer and personal trainer with over 5k hours coaching on the gym floor. Kate has a keen interest in volunteering for animal shelters and when she isn’t lifting weights in her garden, she can be found walking her rescue dog.