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We didn’t want to be just a gym made from knives. We wanted to build something that genuinely served a purpose to a calisthenics user

Only a few weeks ago national newspapers published statistics on UK knife crime, examining the spread of violent attacks from cities to home counties. The findings were sombre.

The figures, published in the House of Commons library, showed that in 2016/17, there were 215 homicides from stabbings — accounting for 30 per cent of all murders. In 2018, it got worse. These figures surged by 16 per cent to show the highest rate of murders in a decade. At the time of writing, there have been 1,299 stabbings in London and that’s just in 2018.

It’s being called an epidemic for obvious reasons, but people are fighting back. Thanks to knife bins — find your local drop here — mobile knife scanners and anonymous drops, over 600 weapon sweeps have been conducted and the fight against knife crime continues at pace.

(Related: How to boost your bodyweight training with calisthenics)

But on a street level, things are a little different. While The Met hacks away at the bigger picture, the fight against knife crime can often take on different forms. From Gangsline, a non-profit group supporting young people involved in gangs to Manchester’s Mothers Against Violence, there are myriad grassroot campaigners taking the fight into their own hands.

One of which is London’s Steel Warriors. In 2017, Ben Wintour and Pia Fontes founded the charity, with a single clear goal — to decrease the amount of young people carrying knives in the UK. But their approach to doing so is one usually only adopted by the likes of correctional facilities and hardline boot camps, a far cry from the red tape of UK government. Simply put, Wintours and Fontes’ Steel Warriors uses fitness as their weapon against knife crime and gang violence.

A gym that serves a purpose

In 2017, Steel Warriors erected a free outdoor calisthenics gym in East London’s Docklands to encourage young people to gain more confidence in their bodies, but to also ignite new conversations about knife crime.

The gym, in Poplar’s Langdon Park, may seem unassuming, but it carries a heavy message — with help from the Met Police, it’s actually made of recycled steel from melted-down knives, swords and other weapons taken from London’s streets. To be exact, it’s around 70 per cent recycled knife steel, equating to over two tonnes of the stuff.

“We didn’t want to be just a gym made from knives,” explains Steel Warriors founder Ben Wintour, talking about the message behind the gym. “We wanted to build something that genuinely served a purpose to a calisthenics user.”

The location of the Steel Warriors gym is by no means unintentional. Wintours and Fontes built it there, with the help of architectural metalworker Alloy Fabwelds, gym equipment manufacturers Rebel Strength and waste management group Inciner8, as it’s neutral territory.

The community gym deliberately doesn’t sit on any part of a single gang’s territory, while fringing on Stratford, Bow and Polar — three of London’s worse-affected areas when it comes to knife crime.

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Providing a place for people to better their lives

“We’re prioritising areas based off knife crime rates, lack of resources and gang-neutral territories,” explains Wintour. “Areas that aren’t territorial, but where we can reach the audience. We’re looking all around London for areas that are suffering in these areas.”

However, Steel Warriors shouldn’t need to exist. It’s solving a problem that shouldn’t be there in the first place and Wintour is very aware that any sign of success will lead to Steel Warriors’ demise.

“We’ve said once or twice before that the moment we fail is when we succeed. Our ambition is to fail. We hope that we will at some point.”

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Considering that there’s already been 1,299 stabbings in London since the start 2018, the outlook is bleak. “It doesn’t look like that’s the case,” admits Wintour.

But as with denial, anger and grief, acceptance soon follows. As crime rates accelerate, so do Steel Warriors’ efforts to make the best of an increasingly bad situation.

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“We’re very aware that Steel Warriors isn’t a single-handed answer to knife crime,” says co-founder Pia Fontes. “We’ve spoken to charities like The Ben Kinsella Trust, who have told us their side of the story and how they approach the issue.” The Ben Kinsella Trust was formed after 16-year-old Ben Kinsella was stabbed to death in Islington, London in 2008. Since then, the trust has campaigned for change through exhibitions, workshops and charitable events and regularly connects with charities fighting knife crime.

Continuing, Fontes says, “the more we work and get involved in the issue will help more people to support and encourage other people's ideas to help stop the issue."

(Related: The muscle-building calisthenics workout)

“It will only get bigger,” adds Wintour, “and so will the gyms.”

Less than a year into its lifetime, the Steel Warriors gym is already making a recognisable impact in the area. Professional calisthenics athletes, local children, families and businessmen all make time to visit the gym, recognising it as a safe and approachable place to be.

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“During the time the gym was being built, some of the builders said they saw people being chased with knives through the park,” says Wintour. “We’re lucky enough to not have been affected first-hand, but we’ve felt a sense of concern about the issue and felt strongly like we could use some of the working skills that we have to better the situation.”

“The make-up of the gym gets people talking about the issue and talking about prevention, too” explains Wintour.

(Related: The outdoor calisthenics workout for practical muscle)

“We wanted to create a place where everyone can join in. A place where you can meet others. It’s even provided conversations that have led to an in-route to employment. Good friendships have formed, too – crowds are forming, people who want to build their lives for the better.”

Since its conception in 2016, Steel Warriors has worked closely with the calisthenics community. Namely, it was BarSparta — a London-based calisthenics group, comprising of personal trainers and the UK’s best podium-dominating calisthenics athletes — that helped design the first gym in London’s Docklands. The groups have shared a close relationship ever since.

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“We wanted to make sure that we were building for the sake of it — we wanted to build instruments that served a real purpose and for which there was a demand,” says Wintour.

BarSparta have been there since day dot and continue to inspire Steel Warriors’ visitors. “It’s made a big impact on the community in East London,” says Jay Chris, co-founder of BarSparta.

“It’s given the kids and teens a place to hang around rather than in the blocks of flats and it’s a positive environment,” he says. “It also gives them the chance to do better things in life like getting fit and healthy.”

Cue The Steel Warriors effect. A three-fold impact, it firstly takes knives off the streets. Secondly, it dissuades impressionable members of the community from being absorbed into gang culture and, thirdly, transforms the area from a potential hotbed for crime into something considerably more community-focused.

“Young people are visiting the park more than anyone,” says Chris. “It changes their mindset as well as changing the area. It’s a confidence booster, getting them fit and providing a healthy mind-set. This mind-set will then change into positive thoughts.”

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A gym for all ages and abilities

Other athletes are starting to take notice, too. Namely, it was Unified Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua who helped shine an even bigger light on Steel Warriors’ on-going efforts against London’s knife crime epidemic.

“Steel Warriors is a great charity and [is] trying to turn a negative into a positive,” he said in April this year. “This is a real issue in London, so we’re going to attack it.”

The calisthenics park is hardly intimidating. The same can be said for those who train there (as a whole, the calisthenics community is comparatively more welcoming — think CrossFit, but way less polarising — than other sports), all of which encourages newer, more curious people to take part, without feeling intimated. To that end, regular users include young men and women and 9-5 workers looking for a free workout.

In fact, it’s literally designed with beginners in mind. On each piece of equipment, new users can find a ‘snap’ QR code that will link them to YouTube tutorials detailing how to use it and how to practice with good form. Presented by professional trainers, users can teach themselves calisthenics staples, from dips and press-ups to more complicated bodyweight moves like muscle-ups and toes-to-bar.

Considered to be one of the UK’s best free calisthenics spaces, Steel Warriors is even seeing some benefit from the recent fitness tourism boom. Forget the lights of Piccadilly and don’t even bother with Big Ben —users are coming from areas all across the UK, many from overseas, to train at Steel Warriors and plaster it across their social accounts. The likes roll in.

The gym at Langdon Park will be the first of many. Wintour and Fontes both describe how more and more Steel Warrior spaces are in the pipeline in London and further afield.

“We’re looking all around London, particularly areas that are suffering from these points,” explains Wintour. But he recognises that this a country-wide problem. It’s not just London suffering. “Obviously, knife crime isn’t just a London issue, it’s across the UK. We want to target other cities like Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and Leeds.”

Inevitably, doing so is an uphill struggle. With help from the likes of British Land (SW’s office in Euston was provided pro-bono by the property development organization) Inciner8 (smelting the waste plastic and wood away from the blades), Birmingham’s Newby Foundries Group (a metal casting foundry melting the blades to create a composite metal suitable for use), Heyne Tillett Steel (structural engineers helping design the parks), Rebel Strength (manufacturing gym equipment), Alloy Fabwelds and logistical aid from Anthony Ward Thomas, it’s a long, complicated and impressively complex group effort to help solve a problem that shouldn’t exist.

Unfortunately, it does. As the UK struggles with its rising levels of knife crime, Steel Warriors’ unofficial motto — “lives should be built on steel, not destroyed by it” — continues to hit very close to home, while conclusions struggle to be drawn.


Donate to Steel Warriors here


Ed Cooper is the former Deputy Digital Editor at Men’s Health UK, writing and editing about anything you want to know about — from tech to fitness, mental health to style, food and so much more. Ed has run the MH gauntlet, including transformations, marathons and er website re-designs. He’s awful at pub sports, though. Follow him: @EA_Cooper