A panic attack occurs when the mind makes a powerfully negative interpretation of normal events. An impossible deadline, say, can cause your hypothalamus to overreact. When that email from your boss pings into your inbox, the brain region activates your pituitary and adrenal glands, causing stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol to flood into your system. This triggers the “fight or flight” response.

Panic Attack Symptoms

For most people, panic attacks last around 5 to 20 minutes. Panic attacks can feel intense; many people mistake them for heart attacks. What you must remember is that panic attacks aren't dangerous and shouldn't harm you.

The sudden surge of stress hormones induces shortness of breath, an increased heart rate, trembling, palpitations, and a redirection of blood to specific muscles and organs that can help you overcome a threat. It’s an evolutionary response, designed to maximise your chances of survival – but it can also make your minor office crisis feel like a matter of life and death. Try to remember that it’s not.

Overthinking a situation – imagining your boss’s reaction to that missed deadline, for example – will only heighten your anxiety. A US study found that refocusing the mind on simple tasks can calm you down. The solution can be as mundane as counting the number of tiles on your office ceiling until your heart rate falls and the panic passes.

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Adrenaline has a half-life of three minutes, which means the initial panic will quickly pass. Cortisol, however, sticks around for longer, so it can take two hours for your more chronic feelings of stress to subside.

Bear in mind that if your hypothalamus stays agitated, it’ll keep ordering the release of these hormones. So remove yourself from the situation: leave your desk for a five-minute break.

How to spot the signs of a panic attack 
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How To Stop a Panic Attack

In severe cases, doctors may prescribe anti-anxiety drugs along with beta-blockers to address heart-rate increases and chest pains.

However, there are more natural alternatives:

Omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish significantly inhibit adrenal activation elicited by mental stress, the B-vitamins in steak slash cortisol levels, and a lunchtime run produces painkilling, mood-boosting endorphins, while making use of the extra adrenalin.

“Flight” is the best way to fight back.

Do You Need to Go See a Doctor About Your Panic Attacks?

Panic attacks can feel frightening. Having the shakes, a racing heart rate and sweats is enough for most people to call the doctor. But panic attacks aren't a serious danger to your health and they will pass. However, in some cases, it might be a good idea to see a doctor in order to rule out any underlying health issues.

Go to a doctor if:

  • Your chest pain continues after your panic attack.
  • You are having regular panic attacks.
  • You feel unwell after your panic attack has subsided.
  • Your panic attack continues after 20 minutes of controlled breathing

Tom Ward is a freelance writer and author. He is a winner of the GQ Norman Mailer Award and a PPA Award. Find him at tomwardwrites.com