By Aldo Zilli of San Carlo Italian restaurants


  • Red onion, 2tbsp, chopped
  • A garlic clove
  • Coconut oil, 2tbsp
  • Wholewheat orzo, 300g
  • Vegetable stock, 1L
  • Broad beans, 100g, shelled
  • Frozen peas, 200g
  • Mint leaves, 2 sprigs
  • Sunflower seeds, 50g
  • Goat’s cheese, 50g


1) When it comes to lowering blood sugar, cinnamon has significant power, according to a analysis by the Journal of Medicinal Food. The snag is that there are several types of the spice, providing greatly varying results. For a more reliable win, orzo contains 25% more blood glucose-stabilising protein than brown rice, with a 2012 study showing both garlic and onions have significant sugar-banishing effects. Start by sautéing them in coconut oil. Toss in the orzo, then gradually stir in your vegetable stock.

2) After 10 minutes, add your broad beans – they’re high in manganese to further lower blood sugar, and fibre to stop you hunting out tiramisu for dessert. Keep stirring fora risotto-like consistency.

3) While the orzo is bubbling, blanch the peas in boiling water for one minute, then drain and blend in the mint. Stir this puree into the dish – peas’ vitaming K improves insulin sensitivity – and throw in the seeds and goat’s cheese for a double protein hit to neatly top off your surprisingly skinny Italian supper.