When it comes to your training, it’s never too late to make it great. Granted, it’s only by consistent, routine effort that you’ll see sustainable results. But the mental benefits and hormonal boost you get from a good workout cannot and should not be understated.

Which is why your last Friday Finisher from the maestro of metabolic conditioning, Mr Faisal Abdalla, is an all-out assault on your fitness and body fat that will mainline endorphins into your mind.

You’re going to be doing three six-minute AMRAPs, doing As Many Reps As Possible before the time runs out. Rest for two minutes before starting the next. We’ve saved the best for last but beware: here be burpees…

6-Minute AMRAP

weights, exercise equipment, kettlebell, arm, shoulder, sports equipment, physical fitness, chest, dumbbell, muscle,

Alternating DB Snatch x 10

Begin with one dumbbell on the ground between your legs. Squat down and grab the weight (A). Drive up through your hips, generating momentum to pull the dumbbell towards the ceiling in one motion, finishing overhead in full lockout (B). Squat down and return the weight to the start position.

arm, human leg, joint, elbow, knee, shorts, wrist, thigh, trunk, muscle,

Burpee Over Dumbbell x 12

These can be step-up and step-down burpees and even step over. But for the perfect form, lay your dumbbell on the ground beside you and drop into a press-up position (A). Lower your chest to the ground, hop your legs back in and jump laterally over the dumbbells (B). Repeat on the other side, alternating until all reps are complete.

2-Minute Rest

6-Minute AMRAP

human body, wrist, human leg, elbow, joint, standing, physical fitness, trunk, chest, sports,

Dumbbell Overhead Squat x 12

Press a pair of dumbbells overhead, locking your arms out and standing with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders (A). Push your hips back and bend your knees, squatting until your thighs are parallel to the floor (B). Maintaining an upright torso, drive your heels into the floor to push up to the start.

arm, human leg, joint, elbow, knee, shorts, wrist, thigh, trunk, muscle,

Burpee Over Dumbbell x 12

These can be step-up and step-down burpees and even step over. But for the perfect form, lay your dumbbell on the ground beside you and drop into a press-up position (A). Lower your chest to the ground, hop your legs back in and jump laterally over the dumbbells (B). Repeat on the other side, alternating until all reps are complete.

2-Minute Rest

6-Minute AMRAP

weights, kettlebell, exercise equipment, arm, abdomen, chest, physical fitness, press up, sports equipment,

Devil Press x 10

Drop down into a press-up position holding your dumbbells, and perform a burpee (A). As you begin to stand back up, use the momentum to swing the weights between your legs (B), then directly overhead (C). Lower under control and repeat.

arm, human leg, joint, elbow, knee, shorts, wrist, thigh, trunk, muscle,

Burpee Over Dumbbell x 12

These can be step-up and step-down burpees and even step over. But for the perfect form, lay your dumbbell on the ground beside you and drop into a press-up position (A). Lower your chest to the ground, hop your legs back in and jump laterally over the dumbbells (B). Repeat on the other side, alternating until all reps are complete.

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David Morton is Deputy Editor at Men’s Health, where he has written, worked, edited and sweated for 12 years. His areas of particular interest are fitness, workouts and adventure.