For a cardio and lower-body test, throw this box-jump challenge into your training. But before jumping into it, you have two options. If you're short on time and only have 10 or 20 minutes to spare, this workout can be completed in that time and will work every muscle in your body.

However, if you're up for a more prolonged test, as its designer, MH Elite coach Scott Britton, puts it, it can be stretched out for 36-painful minutes.

'The workout is aimed at building up progressively larger reps on the dumbbell' says Britton. As you progress through the snatches and Devil's press, the intensity increases and reps build to challenge you aerobically, as well as hitting every muscle in your body, culminating in a devilish dumbbell trial.

The Workout

Britton recommends to complete two dumbbell snatch, two dumbbell Devil's presses and 10 box jumps. Each round add 2 reps to the snatches and devil's presses. He outlines the following three options:

Option A - HIIT version - 10 mins

Option B - Muscle focus - 20 mins

Option C - Mind test - 36 mins

dumbbell snatch

Dumbbell Snatch x 2 reps, then add 2 reps each round

Hold one dumbbell on the ground between your legs, squatting down with your thighs parallel to the floor. Drive up through your hips and knees, generating momentum to pull the dumbbell directly overhead in one movement. Lower the dumbbell and squat down, returning the weight to the start position and switching hands before the dumbbell touches the floor.

Britton recommends: 'The more you strict pull this from the floor the more pressure on your lower back, and this needs to be managed for the Devil's press. Take a small dip and mini squat to get under the dumbbell snatch. For the Devil's press, consider stepping up with leading leg from the floor instead of jumping up with both feet.'

devils press

Dumbbell Devils Press x 2 reps, then add 2 reps each round

Holding the dumbbell, drop down into a press-up position and perform a burpee. As you begin to stand back up, use the momentum to swing the weight between your legs, then directly overhead. Lower under control, back to the ground and repeat on the other side.

kettlebell goblet good morning

Box Jump Over x 10 reps

Stand in front of a box, with your feet hip-width apart. Jump on top, landing with both feet as softly as possible and bending your knees slightly to absorb the impact. Turn around to step backwards off the box on the opposite side, ready to repeat.

Britton recommends: 'Aim to get into a strict rhythm. Don't take big rest on these and focus on stepping down on the other side of the box jump over. Rotate this step down between your left and right step down. This will help balance the load on the hips.'

Headshot of Kate Neudecker

Kate is a fitness writer for Men’s Health UK where she contributes regular workouts, training tips and nutrition guides. She has a post graduate diploma in Sports Performance Nutrition and before joining Men’s Health she was a nutritionist, fitness writer and personal trainer with over 5k hours coaching on the gym floor. Kate has a keen interest in volunteering for animal shelters and when she isn’t lifting weights in her garden, she can be found walking her rescue dog.