On Friday 26th of May, Hyrox athlete Michael Sandbach will be competing in the race of his life at the Hyrox World Championships in Manchester. Hyrox is the 'fitness competition for everybody' and while many competitors will treat the event as only a few degrees more difficult than a Saturday Parkrun, some competitors, such as Sandbach, have been periodising their training for months before the world championships, in the hopes of finishing with a place on the podium.

The growth of Hyrox since 2017 has been exponential, with its last event at London Olympia hosting over 7000 competitors, all eager to take part in the endurance race. For the uninitiated, Hyrox is an 8km running race, split up every 1km with eight different workouts:

  • 1km SkiErg
  • 50m Sled push
  • 50m Sled pull
  • 80m Burpee broad jump
  • 1km Row
  • 200m Farmer's carry
  • 100m Sandbag lunge
  • 100 Wall balls

'Hyrox is a long race,' says Sandbach. 'It’s got 8km of running and eight workouts. The best in the world complete this in under 60 minutes, while an ‘average’ finisher will take between one hour and 30 minutes to two hours. To prepare for this sort of race, we put in a lot of volume in the pre and early phases of the season. Now we're in the end phase, it’s all about performance.'

The Workout

We take a look at the exact programme Sandbach will complete during the run up to the World Championships.

Superset 1: 5 Sets

barbell back squat

1A: Anderson Squat x One-rep Max

Place the bar on the safety stops at roughly waist height. Get under the bar with the barbell along the meaty part of your trap muscles. Keep the elbows close to your waist. Lock your core and drive upwards, fully extending the hips. Return the bar to the starting position on the pins. Each rep begins from a dead stop.

kettlebell goblet good morning

1B: Box Jumps x 3 Reps

Stand in front of a box, with your feet hip-width apart. Jump on top, landing with both feet as softly as possible, bending your knees slightly to absorb the impact. Once at the top, stand up fully by extending your knees and hips. Step backward off the box, one foot at a time. Repeat.

Sandbach recommends: 'This is performed as a superset. The Anderson squat uses only the concentric portion of the squat movement, so I'll set this at relatively high start point (not ass to grass) in order to maximise motor unit recruitment and force production without much muscle damage, which normally occurs in the eccentric phase of a lift.'

'We superset these with box jumps to ramp up power production and get the CNS (central nervous system) used to moving fast.'

Superset 2: 3 Sets

glute ham raise ghr

Glute Ham Raise x 8 Reps

Adjust the GHR (that machine that probably sits in the corner of your CrossFit box) so that your knees rest at the bottom of the pad. Your feet should be on the footplate. Hold a flat back and cross your arms across your chest. Push your toes into the plate and straighten your legs, this will move your body forward so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Pull yourself back up by bending your knees, squeeze the hamstrings and return to the starting position. Repeat

Sandbach recommends: 'The glute ham raise is the ultimate injury prevention machine, your posterior chain in Hyrox takes a beating and this low volume dose on the GHR keeps everything lubricated and moving well.'

walking lunge

Walking Lunges x 40m

Standing tall, grab a set of dumbbells and hold them with straight arms by your sides or perform bodyweight. Keeping your chest up at all times, take a long step forward with one leg, bending your front knee until the back knee touches the ground. Stand up explosively, pause and repeat with the other leg, moving forward.

Sandbach recommends: 'All we're doing here is keeping the movement grooved and blood flow moving. It’s a difficult game to play reducing the volume enough to enhance condition on game day versus not feeling rusty – this is also a game of personal preferences you need to listen to your body.'

Superset 3: 2 sets

Reverse Hypers x 25 reps

Set up the reverse hyper with your hips placed against the edge of the pad, chest supported and hold onto the handles. Depending on the type of machine, you will either hook your ankles under the loops or under another set of pads. Begin by squeezing your glutes and pushing your hips into the pad to lift your legs up behind you. Control the movement and keep the work in your glutes. Try to bring your feet up at least in line with your body. Slowly control the movement to reverse back to the starting position. Your body will move in a pendulum motion, ready to repeat.

kettlebell windmill

Kettlebell Windmill x 8 Reps Each Side

Begin with your feet wider than your hips, clean and press the kettlebell into the overhead position. Turn the opposite foot to the hand that is up, outwards. Look up at the kettlebell overhead and trace the back of your hand down the inside of your thigh. Shift your hips over to the side of the kettlebell and bend the opposite knee so that the weight is stacked proportionately above you. Use your core to lift your torso back to standing upright with the weight still overhead.

Sandbach recommends: 'These two movements in a superset serve to get you moving well and ensure your force production is starting from your core (all movement should start with core bracing to provide a base to push from). The reverse hyper also ensures your posterior chain is moving through a full range of both flexion and extension while the windmills ensure you are rotating and lateral flexing. These moves are performance powerhouses and the bedrock of all the movements you might be about to perform.'

Headshot of Kate Neudecker
Kate Neudecker

Kate is a fitness writer for Men’s Health UK where she contributes regular workouts, training tips and nutrition guides. She has a post graduate diploma in Sports Performance Nutrition and before joining Men’s Health she was a nutritionist, fitness writer and personal trainer with over 5k hours coaching on the gym floor. Kate has a keen interest in volunteering for animal shelters and when she isn’t lifting weights in her garden, she can be found walking her rescue dog.