She famously advised women to have regular 5-minute sex sessions in a bid to maintain their marriages.

Now Caprice Bourret insists it's equally important to be "selfish" in the bedroom. Happily married for 13 years, the model tells Ok! magazine in a new interview: "I've always said how important intimacy is. You need to make it a priority and you need to make it happen. Look, it goes wrong when complacency creeps in, it's dangerous. When I said before that we just need to do it, some people took it out of context and flipped the narrative. I obviously mean do it because you want to, be selfish, get the end result, which we know feels amazing! Get into it and be selfish, enjoy it."

Caprice is incredibly proud of all that she's achieved in her life (
OK! Magazine / Alan Strutt)

In 2001 Caprice advised women to fit in regular sex sessions to protect their marriages, saying: "You can’t say ‘I’m tired’ or ‘I have a headache’ — no! Take one for the team, it’s between five to ten minutes of your life.”

In her interview with OK! Caprice also talked about parenting her 11-year-old sons, Jax and Jett. At the peak of her fame she graced the covers of more than 250 magazines - before taking a step back from fame to raise the boys. And while Caprice is upfront about her history and identity with her sons, she says they have little concept of her previous life.

The home has plenty of space for all the family - and their dozens of cousins and friends (
OK! Magazine / Alan Strutt)
Caprice's table and bar were made by a family friend (
OK! Magazine / Alan Strutt)

"They haven't experienced my life as 'Caprice in the public eye', they've just experienced the loud mum shouting on the sidelines at their football matches the loud American one. So they just know me as 'mum'. The mum who meets them at the bus stop after school, the mum who takes them home and cooks horrible food for them I'm a terrible cook, really terrible so that's who they know. They might ask 'Why does that person know you? ' if someone says my name when we're out and about. And I just say 'Well, they probably read about me yesterday in the newspaper!'".

And Caprice said she worked hard to shelter her family from fame. "I've never brought my kids into the public eye, it can be daunting," she said. "I signed up for it but they didn't. I've never taken them to premieres or even talked about them much. In the last 11 years, I can count the amount of photoshoots on my left hand. I'm sure some judgmental people think it's because I don't care, but it's been my job as their mum to protect them until they made that decision for themselves. And let's be real, these days are very different from when I was in the press every single day of my life for 15 years. My life now is private and I'm so protective of my children, I would never use them to get coverage for myself."

Caprice made most of the design decisions herself (
OK! Magazine / Alan Strutt)

In fact, Caprice didn't just keep her kids out of the spotlight; she also sacrificed potential earnings for privacy. Despite her popularity on the US reality TV show 'Ladies Of London', a 'Made In Chelsea'-type programme chronicling the antics of women in the capital, she ditched the gig after a single season.

"The reason I actually left that show was because they told me they wanted me to film with the boys and I said 'absolutely no way'. I signed up for it, they didn't, so there was no way, but they just wouldn't accept that. It was a bit of an ultimatum so I said 'no' and walked away. It caused the biggest drama, trust me, but I was absolutely not going to agree."

Caprice has sacrificed work to protect her boys (
OK! Magazine / Alan Strutt)

In the accompanying ph otoshoot with OK! Caprice opened up her luxurious new 9-bedroom 10-bathroom home in Ibiza to show off the outdoor dining area, pool, tennis and basketball courts, and gym. The family home, just a 12-minute stroll from the beach - couldn't be more stunning. But the 52-year-old insists she didn't splurge - and proudly adds that she "knows the value of a pound." "It took me a year to buy all the furniture because I'd wait for the sales," she says. "There's not a single item here that I paid full price for. I found five websites that I loved, and I would wait and wait and wait, and then I'd buy in a sale."

And Caprice insists there's no reason to feel coy about finances, telling the magazine: "I don't understand why some people aren't proud to talk about how they handle their money, I think it's ridiculous. I've worked very, very hard for mine and nobody could ever accuse me of being given it, so of course I'm going to take care of it. It's been hard work, it's f*****g grafting, and I've done it, so I totally understand the value of a pound."

Caprice is happy to share that sex keeps her relationship healthy (
OK! Magazine / Alan Strutt)