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To my drug addict parents: Thanks for not being there... for missing my exam results and me becoming head girl and teaching me drugs ruin lives

Chelsea Cameron grew up watching her drug addict parents pass out while dealers hammered on the door 

Eloquent girl explains 'post to my drug addict parents'

A teenager has penned a heart-rending open letter to her drug-addict parents, thanking them for NOT being there for her.

Chelsea Cameron, 18, says she spent most of her childhood watching her mum and dad pass out on drugs, while dealers hammered on the door for money.

The schoolgirl from Dundee was also nearly expelled from school, as her mum and dad's actions tore the family further apart.

But the defiant teen managed to rise above it and make a success of her life - and she says its all down to her parents.

The teenager is all smiles as she looks forward to achieving her dreams(cascadenews)

In a 1,300 word blog post, she says: "Mum and dad – thanks for everything, I owe you.

"'It's been a while since I spoke to any of you openly...in fact I'm not entirely sure I ever have...

"Parents, both of you, thank you for teaching me that taking drugs ruin lives, breaks families apart and gives no one a quality of life worth living."

Chelsea Cameron is now hoping to be an example for other youngsters struggling with difficult childhoods(cascadenews)

In the letter, she tells how her parents missed her exam results, her appointment as head girl, her school prize-giving and her once in a lifetime trip to Uganda.