A mum is haunted by her child's name, almost a year after giving birth.

Agreeing on a moniker for your little one can be an arduous task. Some couples spend hours bickering, flicking through a book of names only to end up with a long list of vetoed suggestions and no clue what their new-born baby will actually be called.

However, one couple decided on a baby name for their son and never looked back. That was until people started to say it sounded like what a serial killer might be called (and no, it's not Chucky or Freddy Kruger).

Taking to Reddit, the parent revealed she named her son Karver McClain, after 'immediately falling in love' with the middle name. "My baby's father didn't feel the same way though," the post adds. "So we compromised and made it his middle name instead which was okay to me at the time because I couldn't for the life of me think of a middle name that would sound good with it."

The woman claims her mum was 'reading a list of names' to her one day when she stumbled across 'Carver'. She says she and her partner both loved it but didn't like the spelling, so decided to change it to 'Karver'.

"We felt fine about it but fast forward a few months later and I start second guessing it," she added. "I asked for opinions on the name in a baby name Facebook group and got over 80 responses, all bad. Several people said that it was a perfect name for a serial killer and others told me that they'd hate their mum forever if she named them Karver. Others just tell me it's horrible."

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More than 1,000 users flocked to the comments section to share their thoughts - with many agreeing the name sounded pretty ominous. "Karver is pretty bad in my opinion," one person wrote. "It's quite violent, and the K instead of a C looks harsher."

Another agreed, commenting: "I think Karver gives serial killer [vibes] due to the association with knives and carving." While a third added: "Yes, honestly it's quite a bad name... It's already bad but the K actually made it much worse. The combination really does sound like a fictional serial killer."

While no Reddit user jumped to defend the name, many did urge the mum to stop caring what others think and refer to her child however she wishes. "I think if you still love the name then that's his name," one person said.

What do you think of the name Karver McClain? Let us know in the comments section below