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Boris Johnson 'must have known' he had broken lockdown rules, Partygate report will find

The Privileges Committee is expected to conclude that the former PM deliberately misled Parliament over lockdown-busting gatherings in Downing Street

Boris Johnson will be shamed over Partygate(AFP via Getty Images)

Boris Johnson “must have known” he had broken Covid rules, a damning report into Partygate will find tomorrow.

The shamed former PM repeatedly denied to Parliament there had been lockdown-busting gatherings in Downing Street.

But the Privileges Committee will conclude that Mr Johnson had deliberately misled MPs over the parties.

It is expected to publish a 30,000 word report into the saga on Thursday morning.

Mr Johnson announced his resignation as an MP last week after being informed by the committee he faced being suspended from the Commons and a possible by-election in his Uxbridge and South Ruislip constituency.

Since he has already quit, it may choose to publicly shame him rather than hand down a punishment.

Boris Johnson launched an attack on Privileges Committee member Sir Bernard Jenkin(UK PARLIAMENT/AFP via Getty Imag)

Or it could recommend withholding the Commons pass given to most former MPs allowing them continued access to the parliamentary estate.

Mr Johnson has launched a last minute attempt to discredit the committee by lashing out its members.